2018-12-28 Membership Concerns


IAUA End Time Ministry

Preparing for the End of Time

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Dear Brothers and Sisters in IAUA (ee-ah-oo-ah) our Father,

Greetings on this day of preparation for the weekly Sabbath. I pray this newsletter finds you in good health and happy in the service of IAUA. This is day 20 of month 10 of the Biblical Calendar in the estimated year 6022 Anno Mundi.

The Spring Sabbaths begin with the Biblical New Year's day on the First Sabbath of Unleavened Bread in 12 weeks, day 15 of month 1 (Friday, March 22 of the 2019, Gregorian Calendar, at sunset Thursday, March 21).

On God's Calendar the Biblical month begins on the global day after lunar conjunction. The Biblical year begins with God's New Year's Day (Passover) after the spring equinox (Spring Passover Rule). The Millerite Calendar (Spring New Moon Rule) is a month late in the Gregorian 2019 year. The Calculated Rabbinical Calendar will also be a month late.

In my last blog I began to realize that there was something unspoken that appears to be happening. It seemed unusual that my reason for transferring my denominational membership to a different congregation would be questioned. Another reader had this comment.


They wrote:

I read your newsletter and that you thought it unusual that the pastor of the new church would question the reason.

According to your story the pastor said, "Maybe before we put that process into action, you could share with me your experience at the Thompsonville Church and what has prompted you to migrate away from there?"

I can tell you that you have valid cause for concern. It is unusual that any pastor would say, "before we put that process into action" The church manual deals with Transfers starting on page 51. If the member is in good standing he starts the process by telling the Clerk of the church he want to join, that he wants to transfer. The clerk makes this request known to the clerk of the church holding your membership. You start this process, the new pastor cannot delay it, or get involved until your present church confirms that you are a member in good standing, and sends a Letter of Transfer to the clerk of the new church.

Maybe I misunderstood what is happening, but you provided so many details, I assume your story is accurate

If you are leaving the church because the pastor is not feeding you with the word of God, but talking about himself, and giving long boring sermons. You might be getting into a situation where you will find valid faults with the new pastor . My experience is that a church is unhealthy if the pastor thinks he is the king and rules over the members. There is much more I can say about this. Please feel free to ask my questions about what the church manual says is proper procedure.


I responded:

It is good to hear from you. The "story" is an actual, complete email exchange so it is absolutely accurate. Thank you for your insight about denomination rules. I am well aware of your struggles and experiences.

I spent 13 years at the previous congregation under one pastor so I believe it is clear I am not leaving for just that reason. There were many small things that eventually led me to a change since there are so many congregations in this area. There have been several others who have transferred their membership to other local congregations.


They wrote:

I have requested to join eight churches and I am still not a member. One church actually likes me and said I can join by profession of faith. I told them that profession of faith is not the correct process to bring back a former member who is innocent, or was kicked out unfairly. Reinstatement is the correct path, so I declined their path, but still attend, and I like them.

The Lord has blessed me with a knowledge of the church manual, better than some conference president I talk to, and when I read the new pastor said "before we put the process into action" it caused me to write you.

A good way to find out if this pastor thinks he is the king or if his way is better than the church manual way - is to show that you know the church manual and that you start the process, he cannot say anything until your church has had a first, second reading and a vote to certify that you are a member in good standing. Then he can get involved when the transfer comes to his church.

I suggest you play this card and he how he reacts. It might just show you that this is not the right church for you - since there are many in your area - this may make sense.

Hope you had a blessed Sabbath


I responded:

I feel the approach you suggest is too confrontational for me. We are all different. :-) If it would happen that my membership is refused for whatever reason, it is not a matter of concern for me. I am only a member because I felt it was silly for me to attend a congregation and not be a member. If they reject my membership, then that is their decision. I would feel sad about it but I live with what is not with what I wish it was. I would continue to attend as long as the congregation is reasonably healthy in a spiritual sense. I am a pragmatist not a perfectionist. :-)


They wrote:

If your current church grants you a letter of transfer, it is very hard for the receiving church to reject it. They have to have a serious reason, like an unresolved grievance, which someone brings to them at the first reading.

It should go through, but I am concerned with what the new pastor said. A church where the pastor thinks he is the king or where the members treat him as a king is unhealthy.

Here is a SoP quote about this

"Satan is constantly endeavoring to attract attention to man in the place of God. He leads the people to look to bishops, to pastors, to professors of theology, as their guides, instead of searching the Scriptures to learn their duty for themselves. Then, by controlling the minds of these leaders, he can influence the multitudes according to his will." {Great Controversy, page 595 par. 2} Chap 37


I responded:

Wow! What a powerful quote. Thank you.


I have spoken many times of the dangers of following man (tradition) instead of God's Word. Those who depend on leaders or a denomination to define Truth for them are on dangerous ground, Satan's ground.

The approved denominational Sabbath School lesson for this quarter is about unity. This week it talked about servant leadership. This requires humility. The denomination, its leaders, pastors, and teachers are too proud to accept that they are in any error. Those who are seeking the way of God with all their heart, mind, and soul are looked at as if they were something strange.

Are you humble in seeking to follow the will of God?

I pray we may all continue to seek love, peace, and unity in truth preparing for the soon coming of IAUShUO (ee-ah-oo-shoo-oh) Messiah, the Son of God.

Frank T. Clark

Next: 2019-01-04 Passion

Revised 2019-01-04