2005-03-04 Good Health


IAUA End Time Ministry

Preparing for the End of Time

The Lord is Coming!   Are you ready?

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Dear Brothers and Sisters in IAUA (ee-ah-oo-ah) our Father,

Greetings on this day of preparation for the weekly sabbath. I hope this newsletter finds you in good health and happy in the service of the Lord.

First, I want to mention how excited I am about the upcoming seminar on prophecy and revival from Doug Batchelor starting today March 4 and ending March 26 (Net05.org). It is interesting to note that the seminar ends on the first annual sabbath of the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Those who follow some of the traditional Talmud calculations observe the feast a month later. This difference is discussed at:


My primary topic this week is health. We all have concerns for good health. These concerns increase as we age.

3 John 1:2 Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.

Good health is vital to a good spiritual experience. If our heath is not good and we don't feel well, it is a hindrance to our understanding and practice. Our bodies are the temple of God through the Holy Spirit. When our bodies are not healthy, it has a severe impact on the brain. Without a clear and healthy mind we will have problems:

1. Difficulty understanding the Word of God as we study.

2. Difficulty discerning the work of the Holy Spirit.

3. Difficulty experiencing and sharing the joy of God.

I am now a diabetic and overweight. My weight began increasing when I switched from physical labor to a desk job. Increased prosperity also led me to a loss of my self-control and gave in to the temptations of indulgence in candy and sweets. I never used to eat much, if any. I was alarmed when my weight shot from 160 to 260. I began including exercise in my routine. I never had to do this when I worked in a factory and on a farm. My concern lagged over time. I held my weight steady at about 240 for many years but did not discipline myself to reduce it. I felt fine and I kept myself active with hiking, bicycling, and other activities so I didn't think about it after a while.

The years passed and the silent toll was being charged. My weight slowly crept up with only half-hearted attempts to control. One year I took a routine blood test where I worked and discovered that my triglycerides and sugar were elevated. I was later diagnosed with diabetes. The doctor said the diabetes was probably because of being overweight.

Over the course of several years I was prescribed more and more medication to attempt to control my blood sugar. I also suffered more and more from the side effects. I experienced reduced energy and increased muscle pain. My normally active routines slowly began deteriorating. Eventually it was extremely painful and difficult to even walk around the block.

I was suffering considerably from the side effects of the medications I was taking and they were not really helping. I learned that my understanding of a healthy diet was wrong because of the deterioration of food values from modern farming practices. My attempts to control consumption were being undermined by my bodies needs for better nutrition. I have radically changed my diet with immediate benefits including reduced blood sugar. Eventually I realized that I was worse off than before I was taking the medication. I have ceased taking all medication and I have committed my health to the Lord as I follow His will.

I am not recommending that anyone should stop taking their medications. I decided to do this after consideration of my own medical history and the things I heard from my doctors. The most important thing I heard was that my diabetes would probably go away, if I lost weight. The doctors did not advise or approve of my course of action.

I felt so much better as the medications were flushed out of my system. My weight went up from 270 to 295 while I was on insulin. My weight is now down to 250 and continues slowly falling. It is hard to stick to an exercise program and watch the consumption. It is absolutely necessary that I do this for my good health. I also believe it is vitally important to my spiritual growth. I pray for myself as I pray for you that God will give us conviction and strength to follow Him.

God will be with you as you seek to follow His will.

May we all find peace in the name of Yahushua (Ee-ah-oo-shoo-oh) Messiah, the son of God.

Shabbat Shalom

Frank T. Clark
Webmaster at IAUA.name

Next: 2005-03-11 Tradition

Revised 2005-03-11