2006-10-13 Jewish Tradition Revisited


IAUA End Time Ministry

Preparing for the End of Time

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Dear Brothers and Sisters in IAUA (ee-ah-oo-ah) our Father,

Greetings on this day of preparation for the weekly sabbath. I hope this newsletter finds you in good health and happy in the service of the Lord.

This Sunday is Last Day Sabbath. I have finished my calculation of the dates for next year.


There was a lot of feedback to my newsletter about Jewish Tradition. This is going to exceed my target size for the newsletter. I hope you will find it informative.

A reader from the Northwest writes:

I couldn't agree with you more, Frank. In general, traditions usually have a base in some object lesson wanting to be taught. But over time those lessons can become distorted and perverted. Such as the story of the "tip of the roast" (it was cut off and thrown away for two generations just because great-grandmother did it. What the grandmother and mother didn't know was it was only because it would not fit in the pan of the great-grandmother.) We are like sheep, we follow most often not knowing why or where we are really headed. If the bellwether (lead sheep) gets spooked and runs off of a cliff the rest of the flock are likely to follow. I have had, for several years now, a great concern for those SDA's leaning heavily toward the Messianic (Christians accepting the traditions of the rabbis) faith.

The first warning sign is that I have not meet a Messianic believer that has not rejected all or at least some of the writings of Ellen White. The pillars of our faith are most often suspect and/or become rejected even by those followers that are SDA in favor of the teachings of the rabbis. The Seventh-day Adventist Jewish synogue in Oregon has done this and yet still professes to be SDA the last I knew (two years ago). The enemy wears many hats (you will know them by their fruits) and infiltrates where we least expect him.

We are told to learn of the Jewish economy because it holds such valuable lessons for us. It was a pictorial language, culture and faith designed by the Master Designer that we would understand His ways more clearly. Example: A man would pick a bride, get her father's permission, after the father asked the bride if that is her will. If she excepted they were betrothed (a covenant was made between them that in the eyes of Almighty YAH is forever), married from that day forward. But she did not go with him. He would return to his father's house to build her a home of thier own. And not until the father was satisfied would he allow his son to return for his bride. Then they would spend a whole year apart, devoted to getting to know one another. This beautiful arrangement is a pictorial of the Bridegroom picking us, if we agree, and a covenant made between us. He is now in His Father's house preparing a dwelling place for us. When His Father is satisfied He will send our Bridegroom to get us and we will spend one year (is like a thousand) with Him before returning to this earth.

There is so much to be learned from their economy. I believe what happens (as it almost happened to me) is that we get caught up in the physical aspect rather than appreciating the learning that we are to glean from it. Once we are caught up in the physical we tend to lose sight of the spiritual aspect. When we do this we can lose sight of the object of these pictorial views, Messiah our King.

Now we have stepped off of the path and into Satan's territory. It is very dangerous because he will plant ideas of fantasy, nostalgia, that warm-fuzzy feeling which help to keep us from seeing our danger and getting back on the path.

For me it was a horrific experience. For a week I was surrounded by darkness although everything appeared as normal. The thought that I was given the prophetic gift was planted in my mind. This was solidified when a well-meaning Messianic SDA brought a bottle of Spikenard and said it had been divinely instructed that I should have it. This all came about because I got caught up in the material (traditions) aspects of faith and only momentarily (praise His name) I lost sight of my Awesome Redeemer. When I looked up the Biblical usage of Spikenard I found it was only used for burial or anointing. At this a horrendous fear seized me. I prayed for discernment and without thinking, I grabbed the bottle and threw it outside as far as it would go. I heard it land on top of our travel trailer but it was never seen again.

When I grabbed the bottle and ran for the door an urgent voice cried, "Don't do it, don't do it!" After the bottle was gone the darkness was lifted from me. We truly are in a fight, not against flesh and blood but against a satanic agency that is as real as we are. I believe that with my prayer my guardian angel was given permission to cause me to throw away the object given for an evil purpose. I believe the voice was that of the evil agent when he discovered that my angel was given permission to intervene. Praise our Almighty Savior for His watch and care and His promise that nothing can snatch us from Him...if... we don't want to go.

In all things we must remember Yahushua is the great Object that we must remain focused upon. All else is but learning tools that we must keep in prospective.


Thank you for your comments. You describe a very interesting experience. I was also initially interested in the Messianic faith because it seemed to be practicing all of God's law but I quickly learned it was deeply steeped in past tradition and not present truth.

A reader from the Midwest writes:

I found your letter very interesting for several reasons. One I think you are right on target that the Jewish traditions are a side issue, meant to distract. I think too most can see from the Bible, the Feast days were not done away with, there is just no getting around that, and perhaps they are trying to bring in traditions to replace or to satisfy their discontent sort of or to placate those who are asking about the feast days but are looking to the heiarchy to settle the question for them.

I have a friend who read a book from an evangelical woman who believes in and keeps the Feast days, she (friend) beleived from the book that we ought to be keeping them but everyone told her they were done away with and now she doesn't believe in them and does not want to either, especially since she found out that the minister gets a bit upset when people continue to believe in them.

I know I told you about the chat room where they were saying they would tell people how to calculate for the New Moons but they never did come up with anything from the Bible. I asked over and over where it is at. I do believe it is tradition claiming the black moon or the sliver or the crescent when sighted is the New Moon. The Bible does not say anywhere that I have found or that others have been able to tell me that is tells us exactly what is the New Moon. The Church of God insists it is the Black Moon , the conjunction and also the Davidians believe that also. There thinking is, the full moon is full and the new moon being the opposite would be the black moon, however, with that thought, then Jesus did not die in the year 31 AD as EGW has said. She also states that Jesus died on the 6th day in possibly more than one place. If she is correct and we beleive she is, that is was the year 31AD .. So during the year 31AD for Passover to be on a Thursday-Friday, there were 16 days between the conjunction and the full moon, it doesn't come together with Passover being on the 14th day.

Another interesting thought has arisen about tradition. My dgt. was listening to this chat room where they were saying that fasting from food and water was tradition, nothing in the Bible says we are to fast from food and water. The fast we are to do the DOA is fast from sin. Have you ever heard that before Frank, I never had, but in looking up in the Bible and even the SOP, I have not been able to find that we are to fast from food and water. I never did from water, cause I just heard that several weeks back from someone.

We here in *** are trying to write up a paper on how and why we calculate the New Moons and Feast days, when we get it done I will send it to you, but for right now I am going to your website on calendars and check it out.

I too, have heard sermons that one would think the person giving the sermon is advocating keeping of the Feast days but they really believe they were done away with. I think because we see them clearly, each time a non believer comes up with another point that points to them being relevant for us today, is an affirmation to us from Our Wonderful Father to encourage us.

I'm going to get to really check out your website today and if you don't tell in there how to pronounce "IAUA" in simple terms, would you send something to me. I can't imagine how that is pronounced. I don't know if I beleive we have to know His name, since His name is in the Sabbath "Abba" and we could refer to Him always as "Abba", but I would like to know anyway. Thanks Frank, I am so glad that you are back to sending out letters again. Love & prayers to you and your family,


I mentioned in the newsletter where I first introduced my latest understanding of the name of God and it is described (I hope clearly) on my website that IAUA is pronounced "ee-uh-oo-uh". I also emphasize (again I hope clearly) on my website that, though I believe the name of God is important and useful, there is nothing magical or required about using it.

It is unfortunate that the Bible is not scientifically clear on how to determine the start of the month. I use the best method I have been able to determine by studying the Bible and considering what others say. I ponder and pray often about how there can be unity in the believers, if there is not clarity in determining the dates. I have a feeling that there is yet to be a prophet which will proclaim the truth with special insight from the Holy Spirit. I have heard of no one who claims special inspiration from God on this controversial point.

I have heard of no one who claims that fasting should ever include abstinence from water. That concept seems incredulous to me. It is a very clear threat to every principle of health to restrict intake of water. The concept of fasting from food is very clear from my study of the scripture. A gray area is whether fasting must include abstinence from pure fruit juice especially for those whose health would be at immediate risk from a complete lack of calories. I personally partake only of water during a fast.


After responding to the last email I spent a serious session in prayer and meditation on the point of how are we going to achieve unity when we can't even agree on the timing of the yearly Sabbaths. I woke up early in the morning and spent more time in prayer and meditation. I turned the problem over and over in my mind and I believe the Holy Spirit gave me an insight into the problem. I want to organize these thoughts very carefully. This takes a lot of time. Maybe next week I will be ready to write about it.

May we all find peace and unity in the soon coming of IAUShUO (Ee-uh-oo-shoo-oh) Messiah, the Son of God.

Shabbat Shalom,

Frank T. Clark

Next: 2006-10-20 The Sacred Calendar

Revised 2006-10-20