2009-09-18 Dark Moon


IAUA End Time Ministry

Preparing for the End of Time

The Lord is Coming!   Are you ready?

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Dear Brothers and Sisters in IAUA (ee-ah-oo-ah) our Father,

Greetings on this day of preparation for the weekly Sabbath. I pray this newsletter finds you in good health and happy in the service of IAUA. This is the 28th day of the 6th month of God's Sacred Calendar in the estimated year 6013 Anno Mundi.

It is one day until the Fall Sabbaths begin with Trumpets Sabbath on the evening of the 1st day of the 7th month (Sunday, September 20 on the 2009 Gregorian calendar, beginning sunset on Saturday, September 19).

This year, those who follow the Millerite Calendar determination agree with my understanding of the Gregorian Calendar dates for God's Sacred Calendar. The dates on the apostate Jewish Calendar are two days earlier in the spring and one day early in the fall.


A new newsletter reader asked a simple but important question which has been previously discussed at length in the newsletter. This is also discussed at length in the books but is certainly worth a revisit.


The reader asked:

So how will you celebrate Feast of Trumpets?


My response:

The Bible states that primarily all of God's Holidays or yearly Sabbaths are celebrated the same as the weekly Sabbath. The primary text is Leviticus 23. Unfortunately, there is no group to observe the specification of "holy convocation". As I have done many times I will have to observe the day alone. I will spend it in Bible study and prayer as I do every Sabbath.


On the weekly Sabbath I am always able to honor the command for a holy convocation during a few hours at my local Seventh-day Adventist Church worship service. Unfortunately, it is very unlikely to find a local group to observe the yearly Sabbath in holy convocation. This is greatly complicated by the fact there is so much disagreement about the dating of God's Calendar. Satan has nearly succeeded in stamping out the understanding of God's Calendar and correct observance of God's yearly Sabbaths.

One of the deceptions of Satan is the idea of determining the start of the month by the time at which the moon goes dark before the astronomical new moon. This idea is based on a contrived interpretation of a single Hebrew word in this verse, which is translated "Time Appointed".

Psalms 81:3 Blow up the trumpet in the new moon, in the time appointed, on our solemn feast day.

This is one of those cases where someone, wanting to make a name for themselves or deluded by Satan, takes a single verse, and tries to make a doctrine from it. This teaching contradicts all other Biblical teaching and understanding. This teaching contradicts all recorded history for the understanding of those following the will of God. This teaching claims that all followers of God in recorded history are the apostates and they are the ones who have "discovered" the "real" truth.

I am not going to attempt to point out the details of the error in this teaching but repeat the truth, which disputes the error. God's Sacred Calendar is determined by precise signals which are clear and identifiable no matter how sophisticated the measurement. Vague determinations based on subjective observation are acceptable only when there is no other option. Subjective determinations must be based on the precise signals.

The signal for the beginning of a month is determined precisely by the position of the moon being aligned between the earth and the sun. Periodically, when the tilt of the orbit of the moon and the earth is aligned with the sun, a solar eclipse occurs at the exact time of the new moon. The next day is the first day of the new moon/month. It is important to carefully define the "next day".

God's Calendar covers the whole world and not just some specific location. Jerusalem, more specifically Golgotha, is the reference point for precise determination. The day begins about twelve hours east in advance of coming to Jerusalem and ends about twelve hours west of Jerusalem. Sunrise in Jerusalem is the precise center of the day which is the same day around the world at that specific moment. The new day begins at its most eastern boundary after sunrise in Jerusalem.

Therefore, the first day of the new month cannot begin until after the next sunrise in Jerusalem and arrives about twelve hours later in Jerusalem at sunset. If you have no contact with civilization or astronomical records, a subjective determination, based on the correct determination, would likely observe a thin crescent of the moon near the sun at sunset on the first day of the month.

I am absolutely certain God will respect the best efforts of those who respect Him and seek to follow His guidance and His Law.

I am going to offer a simple speculation here. Please do not misunderstand. This is not a teaching by any stretch of the imagination. It is not even a suggestion. It is just speculation.

The Bible indicates there were exactly 360 days in a year (150 days in 5 months) at the time of the flood. Compare Genesis 7:11,24 with Genesis 8:3-4. Therefore we know there was some kind of massive astronomical event which changed the orbit/rotation of the earth and probably affected the moon.

Knowing how truly awesome our God is, I wonder if His original plan at creation contained a truly awesome signal for the beginning of the month. What if every new moon was an eclipse, which occurred exactly at sunrise for the Garden of Eden. This would have been sunset on the other side of the world and the exact start of the first day of the new month about twelve hours before it comes to the Garden of Eden. This relationship would be re-established at the re-creation.

This would be the call to all humanity, wherever we may be in the whole universe. Time to go home! We shall gather together as we will do every Sabbath in the New Jerusalem.

Isaiah 66:22-23
22 For as the new heavens and the new earth, which I will make, shall remain before me, saith the LORD, so shall your seed and your name remain.
23 And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and from one sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith the LORD.

In a similar fashion, I wonder if the equinox would occur exactly at sunrise of the fourteenth day of the first month. The shadow of the rising sun would stretch directly east to west from markers in the Holy City. Twelve hours later the full moon would rise from the same spot, cast the same shadow, and signal the start of the Passover week. I am only wondering about some of the awesome things we will see in the Renewed Earth.

I hope sharing my thoughts with you, as I ponder astronomy, does not disturb you.

Are you seeking to follow all of God's guidance in His Word and in His Law?

I pray we may all continue to seek love, peace, and unity in truth preparing for the soon coming of IAUShUO (ee-ah-oo-shoo-oh) Messiah, the Son of God.

Frank T. Clark

Next: 2009-09-25 Influenza Pandemic

Revised 2009-09-25