2016-03-18 Calendar Struggles


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Dear Brothers and Sisters in IAUA (ee-ah-oo-ah) our Father,

Greetings on this day of preparation for the weekly Sabbath. I pray this newsletter finds you in good health and happy in the service of IAUA. This is the 9th day of the 1st month of the Biblical Calendar in the estimated year 6019 Anno Mundi.

The Spring Sabbaths begin in six days with the first yearly Sabbath of Unleavened Bread, God's New Year's Day, on the 15th day of the 1st month (Thursday, March 24th of the 2016, Gregorian Calendar, at sunset Wednesday, March 23rd).

On God's Calendar the Biblical month begins on the global day after lunar conjunction and the Biblical year begins with God's New Year's Day (Passover) after the spring equinox (Spring Passover Rule). The Millerite Calendar (Spring New Moon Rule) is a month later next year. The Calculated Rabbinical Calendar is also a month later.

As often happens at the start of a New Year or the Fall Sabbaths, there are questions about determining the Biblical Calendar. This year is particularly confusing because the drifting Jewish Calendar and the miscalculated Millerite Calendar are a month late this year. A newsletter reader sent me an email:


Subject: Passover

We are looking at your book and are wondering where in the Bible does it say the first yearly Sabbath is the first full moon after the equinox?




I responded:


It is a pleasure to hear from you. Extremely good and highly controversial question. As with all the details of the Biblical Calendar, the Bible is not scientifically specific to our modern mindset. I attempt to explain this in detail in the chapter about the Sacred Year but it is such a difficult topic. The Bible assumes in many cases that its audience already knows the things it talks about. An example is that the weekly Sabbath is hardly mentioned until Sinai.

The problem is resolved by beginning with a full understanding of everything the Bible says on the subject. This is also known as "context". I have discovered it requires a very intense study of the Bible with guidance by traditional understandings as well as the guidance of the Holy Spirit to grasp the complete picture. I do not know how to summarize the explanation briefly. This has been discussed and argued endlessly and violently by many people. There are also numerous newsletters (such as 2014-09-19 Aviv) on the subject. I struggled intensely with this for many years before reaching a satisfactory understanding, which unfortunately disagrees with most people. The traditional understandings results in occasional agreement on specific dates. However, sometimes, like this year, it is radically different by a whole month.

A summary, which would require a complex and detailed explanation of some points:

1. Astronomical observation provides the signals for the Biblical Calendar. (Genesis 1:14 and others)

2. The global day is referenced from Jerusalem. (Psalms 132:13 and others)

3. The equinox is the astronomical signal for the start of the year. (Exodus 12:2 and others)

4. The first yearly Sabbath is the day that follows the signal.

The first point is disputed by the Jewish Calendar and the last point is disputed by the Millerite (SDA) Calendar. These are the major determinations I am aware of. Does that help?

Be at peace,

Frank T. Clark - When the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all truth... He will show you things to come. John 16:13 (FTCABE)


She replied:

thanks Frank,

I read the rest of your book on passover and looked up Ellens quote on Passover "end of March or early April", so I am convinced of the early passover this year but why do you say it has to be on the full moon?



I responded:

I was using the "full moon" as an imprecise reference to the first yearly Sabbath of Unleavened Bread (Passover). :-)

Point 4 is based on the simple fact that an event (yearly Sabbath) always follows a signal (the equinox). I also did not mean that it had to be the very next day but the day of the yearly Sabbath following the equinox.

I have a saying... So many details... So much confusion... :-(

It is so difficult to communicate accurately and precisely. :-) I try to find a balance between a simple answer to a question that might not be understood and a doctrinal dissertation (that also might not be understood...). Heavy sigh... (I don't know an emoticon for that one.)

Be at peace,


She replied:

to follow early Passover this year the month has to start before the equinox. How would the ancient people have known to start the month?


I responded:

How ancient people did things is a very tricky question. I assume we are only talking about the Hebrews or before Abraham (who is considered the first Hebrew) those who followed God. I don't know exactly what they did, though it is important to note that history records that Abraham was a skilled astronomer. There are numerous methods depending on the level of calculation they used. However, there is a simple way to do it without any calculation. I discussed this in the 2014-10-03 Aviv II newsletter. Also take note that you can start a month without knowing it is the first month until the equinox arrives a few days later. I had to learn a lot about practical astronomy from the many questions I have answered over the years. I have learned the answer to every question I have been asked. At least the answer was clear and acceptable to me. The answer was not always accepted.

Are we reaching some level of understanding yet? :-)

Be at peace,


She replied:

Also, to do the early Passover the new year would be starting before the equinox and that would be winter!


I responded:

You are accepting a common assumption because the pagan Babylonian Roman Catholic Gregorian Calendar and its holidays (Mark of the Beast) has been so deeply ingrained and is accepted by the whole world. Biblical years do not begin at the start of a month. The Biblical Calendar begins the year at a yearly Sabbath. It took a long time for me to untangle Satan's web of deception and confusion to see the Biblical Calendar properly. The closest witness we have from the Jewish Calendar (with its known problems that can be corrected) is that the first month can begin before the equinox.

Be at peace,


It is difficult when traditions disagree with the Bible and evidence from the best traditional understandings. I often feel like a pariah because I follow the evidence no matter what the traditional practice of those around me.

Let me be absolutely clear that I believe God honors and accepts our best effort to follow His will to the best of our understanding and diligent study.

Do you believe God has provided very specific witnesses to the correct day for His yearly Sabbaths?

I pray we may all continue to seek love, peace, and unity in truth preparing for the soon coming of IAUShUO (ee-ah-oo-shoo-oh) Messiah, the Son of God.

Frank T. Clark

Next: 2016-03-25 Truth Struggles

Revised 2016-03-25