2017-12-15 Fellowship


IAUA End Time Ministry

Preparing for the End of Time

The Lord is Coming!  Are you ready?

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Dear Brothers and Sisters in IAUA (ee-ah-oo-ah) our Father,

Greetings on this day of preparation for the weekly Sabbath. I pray this newsletter finds you in good health and happy in the service of IAUA. This is day 26 of month 9 of the Biblical Calendar in the estimated year 6021 Anno Mundi.

The Spring Sabbaths begin in 15 weeks and three days with Unleavened Bread Sabbath, day 15 of month 1 (Monday, April 2 of the 2018, Gregorian Calendar, at sunset Sunday, April 1).

On God's Calendar the Biblical month begins on the global day after lunar conjunction. The Biblical year begins with God's New Year's Day (Passover) after the spring equinox (Spring Passover Rule). The Millerite Calendar (Spring New Moon Rule) is a month late next year. The Calculated Rabbinical Calendar will be two days early in spring and one day early in fall.

I am sad to note that the last few newsletters have been saying Unleavened Bread Sabbath is day 1 of month 1. It is day 15 of month 1. It is sad to be rememinded that I am human and can easily make mistakes no matter how careful I try to be. That is one of the reasons I prefer writing to speaking. You can proofread what you write but you it is hard to correct what you say after it has been said.

I received another encouraging email from another new website visitor. They are concerned about all the divisions and confusion obstructing the need for fellowship.


They wrote:

Hi Frank,

I found your website through a forum and wanted to reach out and say hello.

Thank you for putting so much information for free on your website.

I look forward to reading it soon.

Sorry that you are having so much trouble with bots.

Please let me know if you received this email.



(Quickly followed by an addendum quoting from the website.)

"From this analysis, I conclude there is no error in using the titles Lord and God. There is no benefit to be derived by emphasizing Hebrew titles to refer to God in an English speaking society. This practice conveys an attitude of separation, elitism and condemnation of what is familiar to a person. Rather than supposedly separating the sacred and the profane, it confuses the listener and brings disrepute on the message."

I agree!


I responded:


I am pleased that you are blessed by my efforts as God has lead me.

The ministry forum never received much interaction and it was so badly plagued with bot registration and messages that I almost deleted it. Since it had been there for a while I decided not to delete it but made the hard choice of closing it to direct registration. You didn't ask so I assume you are not planning to interact through the forum. I can certainly register you, if you want. We can also interact through email. :-)

I am eager to discuss any Biblical questions with you.

Some people perceive Judaism and Jews as the elite and become Jewish wannabes. Part of the symptomology is that they begin using more and more Jewish words, like actual Jews do. However, names are different from regular words. A person's actual name should always be used, no matter what the original language, as close as practical. :-) We should always follow what is Biblical but not what is just tradition.

It is interesting that there are at least two universal words that are derived from Hebrew. Hallelujah (Alleluia) and Amen. I choose to use the Biblical Hebrew pronunciation of these words, according to my understanding, from my research. They are ah-lay-loo-ee-ah and ai-main. In the same way, Jehovah, and Yahweh are awkwardly derived from the Biblical Hebrew pronunciation of IAUA, which is ee-ah-oo-ah. :-)

I have shared much in the websites and the blog, which is over ten years long. Talk to me! :-)

Be at peace,

Frank T. Clark - When the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all truth... He will show you things to come. John 16:13 (FTCABE)


They wrote:


Thank you for responding back so quickly.

I admire all of the time and effort you have put into your research.

Got a chance to skim the website and read a bit of it.

The pronunciation of the Father's name can be a tricky subject.

I know the ways I don't believe it should be pronounced but haven't exactly decided on the correct way. The pronounciation I have been lead to sounds exactly like you have phonetically spelled out. I do try to avoid controversy as much as possible, partly because I am not very knowledgeable about Hebrew and partly because I don't want to cause division. Sometimes the truth does divide us.

One of the Hebrew traditions that really confounds me is the ban on saying His name. Like Church of Christ believers who refuse to use musical instruments, I just have to wonder where did that get that from?

Unfortunately I have not yet found a Messianic synagogue or group that that is based on truth. The home fellowships have been much more scripturally based but most of them are a long drive away. I have not been able to find much individual fellowship there because most are married.

I am very much looking for other believers for phone fellowship. So many people these days prefer to communicate digitally but that is just not good for me. I would rather be outside talking on the phone than inside typing.

So if you have some free time in the evenings, I would love to talk with you and would consider it an honor. I'm hoping you, too, are single as I prefer not talk with married men on the phone, unless their wife is willing to join in the conversation, in which case the more the merrier!

Let me know if this sounds agreeable to you and when is the best time for you to talk.




I responded:


I respond quickly because I am retired! :-)

I was uncertain about the pronunciation of our Father's name for a few years because there is so much disagreement and so little credible information. I read so much circumstantial evidence but nothing as solid as I prefer. I am a scientist so I have very high standards. After years of prayer and intense searching I began to piece together solid evidence as I wrote in my book. I knew very little about Hebrew ten years ago but through much study, prayer, and God's guidance I have learned a lot.

I also try to avoid controversy. :-) Unfortunately, Truth can be very controversial! Many people do not wish to speak to me because of my high standards, research, and PRACTICE of Truth. I am so deep into God's Word that it is what I mostly talk about. This makes me very out of place in most situations. My wife struggles to keep up with me but she manages. :-)

Satan manipulates people and groups into all kinds of nonsense! I struggle to stay close to God's plan. He is much more tolerant than other people are.

I can talk on the phone but it is not my preference. I am digital... (computer scientist) what can I say? :-) I am married but I don't believe that is a problem. I can well understand your reluctance. You might have noticed that my wife is copied on our email. My wife continues to work so she would not be able to join in a conversation. Evenings are almost exclusively private time.

I struggled with the issue of group fellowship when I started following ALL truth about 2003. I have been able to continue associating with my denomination because they are close. No group or denomination is going to follow ALL truth because Satan has so many deceptions. Any group submits to the principle of the lowest common denominator. There has always been some error in groups of God's people but He remains faithful and understanding. I work to follow His example and guidance.

Messianics are as bound in traditions as Judaism so I do not seek them. I worship with Seventh-day Adventists who are close to truth as weekly Sabbath keepers but they reject the yearly Sabbaths. These I often observe with just my wife and I.

Matthew 18:20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

I have associated with SDA splinter groups such as http://www.bibleexplorations.com but they are in California, which is a great distance. They are very close to the Bible but there are still issues.

I can talk on the phone during the day, if you wish. No problem, if not.

I also long for people to fellowship and discuss the Bible but so few are interested. Mostly I just talk to God...


We spent some time talking on the phone. She shared some struggles and concerns. I shared a lot about faith and trust in God and His plan.

Do you seek fellowship with other believers who are truly looking for truth?

I pray we may all continue to seek love, peace, and unity in truth preparing for the soon coming of IAUShUO (ee-ah-oo-shoo-oh) Messiah, the Son of God.

Frank T. Clark

Next: 2017-12-22 Science

Revised 2017-12-22