2018-10-26 Mark of the Beast Principle


IAUA End Time Ministry

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Dear Brothers and Sisters in IAUA (ee-ah-oo-ah) our Father,

Greetings on this day of preparation for the weekly Sabbath. I pray this newsletter finds you in good health and happy in the service of IAUA. This is day 16 of month 8 of the Biblical Calendar in the estimated year 6022 Anno Mundi.

The Spring Sabbaths begin with the Biblical New Year's day on the First Sabbath of Unleavened Bread in 21 weeks, day 15 of month 1 (Friday, March 22 of the 2019, Gregorian Calendar, at sunset Thursday, March 21).

On God's Calendar the Biblical month begins on the global day after lunar conjunction. The Biblical year begins with God's New Year's Day (Passover) after the spring equinox (Spring Passover Rule). The Millerite Calendar (Spring New Moon Rule) is a month late in the Gregorian 2019 year. The Calculated Rabbinical Calendar will also be a month late.

I heard a sermon recently that was very exciting for the exact reason it was also disappointing. It was exciting because it provided the groundwork to reveal the full extent of the Mark of the Beast. It was disappointing because it did not fully apply the principles that were presented to reveal all of the Mark of the Beast (MOTB).

The first principle that was presented is that Satan counterfeits everything that God has done. My thought while listening to this principle was the inverse idea that since anything Satan creates is a counterfeit we need to look for the truth that is being counterfeited.

The second principle was that you learn to recognize counterfeits by studying the truth not the counterfeits. While listening to this idea I recalled the many presentations I have heard where they talk so much about the counterfeits that you can get confused and lose your focus on truth.

The disappointing part was that the focus became only the weekly Sabbath with no attempt to recognize other truths and counterfeits. I have often attempted discussions about the MOTB where I was reprimanded for considering anything other than the weekly Sabbath.

I have also been reprimanded for saying the MOTB is already here. It is true that the full effect of the MOTB will be with the laws for Sunday. However, the beginning effects are already happening. The brainwashing, laws, and peer pressure behind the MOTB is already here.

It is interesting what Ellen said:

"The light we have received upon the third angel's message is the true light. THE MARK OF THE BEAST IS EXACTLY WHAT IT HAS BEEN PROCLAIMED TO BE. NOT ALL IN REGARD TO THIS MATTER IS YET UNDERSTOOD, NOR WILL IT BE UNDERSTOOD UNTIL THE UNROLLING OF THE SCROLL; but a most solemn work is to be accomplished in our world. The Lord's command to His servants is: "Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and show My people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins." Isaiah 58:1. {6T 17.1} {CTr 350.4} {CH 520.3} {LDE 17.3} {8T 159.3} "Melbourne, N. S. W., February 3, 1898." (I added capitalization for emphasis.)

This says plainly to me that there is more to the Mark of the Beast than we are teaching. It may be helpful to visit the 2018-06-01 blog titled "What is Present Truth?".

The presenter also made fun of the First-day Protestants because they follow Catholic tradition instead of "Sola Scriptura". I couldn't help but remember the 2010-10-01 blog titled "Hypocrisy", which spoke on this topic. The full quote.

"The Protestants claim to stand upon the written word only. They profess to hold the Scripture alone as the standard of faith. They justify their revolt by the plea that the [Catholic] Church has apostatized from the written word and follows tradition. Now the Protestant's claim, that they stand upon the written word only, is not true. Their profession of holding the Scripture alone as the standard of faith, is false. PROOF: The written word explicitly enjoins the observance of the seventh day as the Sabbath. They do not observe the seventh day, but reject it. If they do truly hold the scripture alone as their standard, they would be observing the seventh day as is enjoined in the Scripture throughout. Yet they not only reject the observance of the Sabbath enjoined in the written word, but they have adopted and do practice the observance of Sunday, for which they have only the tradition of the [Catholic] Church. Consequently the claim of 'Scripture alone as the standard,' fails; and the doctrine of 'Scripture and tradition' as essential, is fully established, the Protestants themselves being judges." [The Archbisop of Reggio (Gaspar [Ricciulli] de Fosso) made his speech at the last opening session of Trent, (17th Session) reconvened under a new pope (Pius IV), on the 18th of January, 1562 after having been suspended in 1552. — J. H. Holtzman, Canon and Tradition, published in Ludwigsburg, Germany, in 1859, page 263]

I couldn't help but thinking of my application of these words to Adventists. Here is my paraphrase.

"The Adventists claim to stand upon the written word only. They profess to hold the Scripture alone as the standard of faith. They justify their criticism of Protestants by the plea that the [Catholic] Church has apostatized from the written word and follows tradition. Now the Adventist's claim, that they stand upon the written word only, is not true. Their profession of holding the Scripture alone as the standard of faith, is false. PROOF: The written word explicitly enjoins the observance of the seven feast days as the Sabbath. They do not observe the seven feast days, but reject them. If they do truly hold the scripture alone as their standard, they would be observing the seven feast days as is enjoined in the Scripture throughout. Yet they not only reject the observance of the seven feast day Sabbaths enjoined in the written word, but they have adopted and do practice the observance of Christmas and Easter, for which they have only the tradition of the [Catholic] Church. Consequently the claim of 'Scripture alone as the standard,' fails; and the doctrine of 'Scripture and tradition' as essential, is fully established, the Adventists themselves being judges." [The Archbisop of Reggio (Gaspar [Ricciulli] de Fosso) adapted.]

Can you properly apply the principles to reveal the full extent of the Mark of the Beast?

I pray we may all continue to seek love, peace, and unity in truth preparing for the soon coming of IAUShUO (ee-ah-oo-shoo-oh) Messiah, the Son of God.

Frank T. Clark

Next: 2018-11-02 MOTB

Revised 2018-11-02