Personal Fulfillments


IAUA End Time Ministry

Preparing for the End of Time

The Lord is Coming!   Are you ready?

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First Fulfillment

On March 21, 2004 I heard an announcement on the Weather Channel of a rare visual alignment of the visible planets, the sun and the moon. They said that a similar alignment occurs every few years. I wonder how often this particular alignment occurs. The definition of this alignment:
  • The new moon occurs within a day of the vernal equinox.

  • The five visible planets are in the Jerusalem sky at the next sunset with the barely visible new moon.

Astronomical Data for 2004

Vernal Equinox Mar 20, 2004 06:49 GMT

New Moon March 20, 2004 22:41 GMT

Jerusalem time

New Moon March 21, 2004 00:42

Sunset March 21, 2004 17:52

Object Right Ascension
h m s
o ' "
Sun 00 04 51 00 31 35
Moon 00 40 45 01 25 36
Mercury 01 01 53 07 42 53
Venus 02 55 20 19 23 55
Mars 03 50 59 21 14 56
Saturn 06 27 49 22 48 22
Jupiter 10 54 40 08 29 46

I had not expected a sign in the heavens to mark the Sacred New Year of the last year of sin (A wishful but misguided thought). I obtained a sky chart for Jerusalem at sunset on March 21, 2004 which is the start of the Sacred New Year.

The picture below is oriented for an observer facing west and has dim stars removed.

Sky & Telescope has a better display but takes a lot of setup.

In the first century the start of a month was determined by observation of the first visual sighting of the new moon at sunset. This would typically occur within 16 - 40 hours after the astronomical new moon.

Seeking Thin Crescent Moons

An observer in Jerusalem looking west at sunset for the first month of the Sacred New Year would clearly observe the alignment of the planets with the setting sun and the moon. The first month of the Sacred Year was the month that places Passover at or following the equinox.

Second Fulfillment

It is not of any importance to anyone else but I experienced a personal fulfillment. I attended meetings for the Feast of Unleavened Bread (2004-04-05 through 2004-04-11 ) in California.

I observed the presence of the Holy Spirit working in great power. Those present at the meetings have been seriously studying the Bible for several years now. The presentations were in-depth studies of prophecy as it relates to these last days.

In particular, the message of the fourth angel of Revelation 18 and its meaning was examined. These studies are an extension of the 1888 message. I believe that the Holy Spirit is beginning to pour out the Latter Rain. It started with the 1888 message but was rejected by the church. It was a lot more than righteousness by faith.

One of the presenters was Shauna Manfredine.

She has made available the presentation images and the handout from one of the most important presentations available online.

Another presenter was Ron Naumann who described a new interpretation of Daniel 11 placing the prophetic events described in our current time.

This is a summary of what I have learned. It is impossible to condense over 60 hours of teachings and presentation without sounding outlandish because of all the background that led to these points.

Elohim (formerly referred to by the pagan term "God") is now calling the 144,000 who are preparing themselves to live a life completely in obedience to His laws.

2004-05-27 After further study I have found the teaching that "God" is a pagan term is unjustified because the Old Testament freely applies the same title to God and gods. A reading of Exodus 20:1-3 shows that elohim is used to refer to IAUA and pagan gods.

The followers of Elohim will keep all His commandments which include the statutes.

The followers of Elohim will keep the weekly Sabbath of the fourth commandment and the seven annual Sabbaths of the statutes.

The followers of Elohim will reject any polluting of His law by the mixing of the sacred with profane pagan days, symbols, and ideas.

The Feast of Unleavened Bread is a special time for removing all sin from our lives.

Pentecost is when the the full outpouring of the spirit of Elohim will begin. The church will be judged first and the 144,000 are sealed.

The 144,000 will preach the final message to those who have not had a chance to know the full truth of Elohim.

The Feast of Trumpets will mark the beginning of the final warnings from Elohim.

The Day of Atonement will mark the final sealing of the righteous. The judgement of Elohim is poured out on the earth.

The Feast of Tabernacles will mark the final separation of the righteous from their earthly homes to live wholly dependent on Elohim.

The Feast of the Last Great Day will mark the return of Yahushua to claim His people.

Third Fulfillment

Pentecost, May 25, 2004

It is not of any importance to anyone else but again I experience a personal fulfillment. I am spending the day in prayer, study, and writing. I am sad that I am spending the day alone when God has commanded a holy convocation. I am reminded that I may often be alone during the time of trouble. Thankfully, I have the opportunity to communicate with many through email this day. I feel the Spirit rebuking, guiding and enlightening me in everything I do, leading me to a closer experience, a better witness, a better example.

I wonder if the full outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the Latter Rain will be accompanied with a visible manifestation as the disciples saw with the tongues of flame. I wonder if my impression of the return of IAUA this year is wrong. I am not going to abandon the hope but I do not depend on it. The sense of urgency was not misplaced. It has been a great benefit to awaken me. The efforts to study and grow are not misplaced. The results are important and necessary.

If the time is not yet, is it almost a relief? The opportunity to have more time will be valuable. Additional time to learn, grow, and practice. More time to share and reach out.

If the time is not yet, is it a disappointment? Only a little. I long for an end to the pain of this world. It will come! I long for the people of God and I to be at peace. It is coming!

I rest safe, secure and content in the arms of IAUA. His will and plan are for the best. I am happy with that.

August 1, 2004

As I observe the full moon I contemplate that the next full moon will be in the middle of Teshuva. I anticipate that the time of trouble will be beginning. My studies have now led me to the conclusion that the next full moon after that will probably be the return of IAUA. The Sabbath of the Feast of Tabernacles. One week later, The Feast of the Last Great Day we will probably be celebrating in heaven. I am filled with an eager anticipation.

I am also filled with a slight sense of dread. Am I ready? What if this is not the year IAUA returns? I must accept that in spite of all the signs, that I have misread the time. No matter what happens I will continue to follow the will of the Lord. I will continue my preparation for the end of time. His coming will be soon.

Elul 1 - August 17, 2004

Teshuva has begun. I have discovered that there actually is a comet heading our way. It is currently expected that it will miss by four times the distance to the moon. What if they are wrong?

I am receiving a lot of criticism for my expectation that this might be the year of the Lord's return. I hold back talking about it now. I have stopped talking to my family about the feasts because they disagree strenously and are getting sick of hearing about it.

I continue my studying and writing. Every day I see more and more with greater understanding. I continue to wonder what the Lord wants me to be doing. I continue preparing my heart and mind. When will I be able to do more than that? Something is going to happen soon.

Tishri 1 - Feast of Trumpets - September 16, 2004

It seems quite clear that the return of the Lord is not this year. I believe that we are in the time of the end. The time of trouble will soon begin. There will now be more time for the events which are to be expected. There is now time for the five months of the fifth trumpet which troubled me.

It is interesting the year 2005 is one in which there is great dispute of the start of the sacred calendar year.

Tishri 10 - Day of Atonement - September 25, 2004

I spent the day in fasting as God commanded. At the same time that I am more firmly committing myself to the service of the Lord I am receiving greater pressure to return to the workplace. This has been a very eventful week. Perhaps a copy of some recent emails I sent will help you to understand.

A message to family and friends:

After all the discussions over the years I felt it was necessary to clarify my feelings. I have always believed, practiced, and taught the message of the SDA church. Except for a ten year absence, I have attended the Adventist church and while I had an income, I made significant financial and other contributions to the support of the SDA church. Whatever criticism I may have of the SDA church as an institution or organization, I believe and teach the Adventist message as far as it goes. I now believe the statutes of God's law are binding which the Adventist church does not. The Adventist church does not teach against the keeping of the statutes.

I contacted Ron Gladden of Mission Catalyst Network about working with them in church planting. I was encouraged to attend the "Founding Pastor Evaluation". I discussed this with my wife but other events led the way.

It is with deep sadness I inform you that I will not be associating with your network. The day I spoke to you I received a message from the Lord revealing that there is a little known aspect to the message that the Adventist ministry is presenting that is contrary to the previous light He has revealed. The Lord had previously shown me from the Bible and the writing of EGW that new light and growth was in the future for the Adventist message.

The source of the message was a video I received.

The Revelation of Jesus Christ Seminar #16
Leo Schreven
Christ reveals the cure for all crime, sin and suffering
Edited April 6, 2004
An Amazing Prophecy Seminar 9 Part 1
The ceremonial law has been nailed to the cross.
Colossians 2:14-
Ephesians 2:15-
Romans 6:14-
Galations 3:10, 13, 23
I have confirmed from other sources that this is not an aberration. I now know that the seeds of this new false message have been germinating for several years. I am heartbroken to know that my future does not lie with the Adventist church. I never thought it would come to this.

The Fourth Angel's Message of Revelation 18, the full restoration of God's law, is beginning to spread its light on the earth. I now see that this is being directly opposed by the Adventist ministry. I believe in the restoration of the statutes. We discussed that subject briefly. It is clear to me, which you state on your website, that your ministry is identical with the Adventist ministry. I cannot work with any ministry that opposes the Fourth Angel's Message. With regrets,

Next email.

Thank you for the video. It has been a real eye opener. I believe it was a direct message to me from the Lord. I have been in discussions with Mission Catalyst Network about returning to the Adventist church in full-time ministry support of new church plants. Your video arrived just in time. Just last night Cindy and I discussed flying out as a ministry team couple to a Founding Pastor Evaluation November 15-18, 2004 in Silver Falls, Oregon.

Previously the possibility always existed for me that I would return to full participation in the Adventist Church. I had dreams of working in ministry support. I must now accept that complete apostasy of the Adventist church is inevitable. (An emotional overstatement because of the message of the Adventist ministry against the statutes.) I now continue to pray, prepare and wait on the Lord for His plan for my life.

An email in reply to later discussions.

I may be wrong but it now appears crystal clear to me that the Adventist church will never, ever, accept the binding nature of the statutes of God (which of course includes the feasts).

The video is a very carefully prepared, in-depth theological statement that the statutes are no longer binding. Other sources have confirmed that this theology appears to be in place, well-known, and completely accepted at all levels of the Adventist church. The message is hidden within a slightly different context but absolutely clear nevertheless. I will be discussing this video and related issues with Elder VanDenburgh at the Bible Explorations - Feast of Tabernacles which I will be definately attending. I will be arriving Tuesday afternoon.

I now feel that a part of the future of the Fourth Angel's Message lies with Elder VanDenburgh's ministry. I have sent an email through the Bible Explorations website to Elder VanDenburgh offering my full-time volunteer services in whatever capacity I can assist from my home.

It is interesting the year 2005 is one in which there is great dispute of the start of the sacred calendar year.

Tishri 15 - Feast of Tabernacles - September 30, 2004

I am writing a series of email newsletters about my experiences at the Feast of Tabernacles in Terra Bella, California.

I will write a regular email describing events at the Feast of Tabernacles from my own unique perspective. I hope that this is of benefit to you. If you don't want to receive them let me know. Don't want to be spamming you. :-)

Things were very busy getting all set up and ready to go. I did as much as I could to help Elder John. I hung some silver trumpets up front for display. They were placed on hooks so that they could be removed for play and returned for display as needed. I spent an hour or so cleaning up rotten fruit from walking areas to make it a little less hazardous to get around.

I made a friend, Casey, whose parents are friends of Marchita. We set up some solar lights on the path to the porta-potties for when it gets dark. Helped with a lot of other things but don't remember them all and won't bore you with the details.

Yesterday evening John and Clara opened up the program with some beautiful music. You shuld hear those two sing together. It was beautiful. John gave an opening talk and introduction to a series he will be doing on doctrine fundamentals for the feast.

Shabbaz (spelling?) gave an opening presentation for his series on loyalty with an overview on the state of the Adventist church in Europe. It was a very sad tale. He apologized often for the unfortunate negativity of the message. The celebration worship movement spawned by the "Willow Creek" movement is rapidly gaining hold. Entertainment worship with pop music styles, theatrical presentations, games, and other worldly activities is becoming the norm. These things are being pushed by the conference leadership against the very few objections of the pastors and church members.

Shabbaz repeated many times that the Adventist church is the true church with the true message. He emphasized that he is an Adventist with complete loyalty to the church. He emphasized that the organization and leadership are to be respected and supported becuse they are ordained by God for the leadership of the church. His often repeated thought was, "There but for the grace of God go I". We all fail and are subject to failure. There is no room for criticism in the church but loving concern.

I am deeply troubled because I know in my heart I have difficulty finding respect and concern for those in the organization and leadership who I see as supporting apostasy (An emotional overstatement. Actually "seeds of error" because of the message of the Adventist ministry against the statutes.) in the church. It occurs to me that I need to find more understanding in my heart as an Adventist who has been disfellowshipped twice indirectly from my own struggles with sin. It is a struggle to avoid rejecting those who have rejected me. My example, guide, and inspiration is the Saviour who was rejected and yet is our example of love and acceptance.

Shabbaz emphasized the example of David who refused to do anything against Saul, the anointed leader, in spite of his errors and apostasies. A member of the audience brought up the example of Elijah who spoke out against the king. Shabbaz said that it is a struggle to maintain a balance between the actions of David and Elijah who both serve as valuable examples.

As my personal struggle continues ,I ponder the Saviour's harsh words to the Pharisees, leaders of His day. These are troubling times which require the prayerful searching of the soul as we seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

I will write again soon. I welcome and ask for your comments.

Feast of Tabernacles Annual Sabbath Thursday PM, September 30, 2004

Continuing a regular email describing events at the Feast of Tabernacles from my own unique perspective.

Elder John gave another comforting presentation from 9:00 - 10:00 on prophecy concerning the second coming leading up to Daniel 2. I am really enjoying this wonderful opportunity to go back and revisit our "Doctrinal Foundations". This was part 1 continuing his introduction from yesterday evening. As I struggle deep in theological controversies and deep studies of the advanced points of the law and God's word it is good to return and reinforce the roots. We must never loose sight of the basics as we advance through the leading of the Holy Spirit into all truth.

Allen Fine presented part 1 of "Prophecy & Religious Liberty" 10:15 - 11:15. He opened with remarks (which he apparently requested not be taped) on the state of things that are happening in the SDA church and in our government. This message on the heels of Shabaz Bakhshnia's first presentation "Lessons on Loyalty" last evening is a real warning on the attacks facing our church. The energy and power of his message is astounding from this "retired retread (but not retarded) pastor" (his words) who served the church for over 40 years and is still extremely active in high circles. He has a large radio ministry ( and is a board member of the Christian Coalition deeply involved with national religious and political issues.

He continued also (as did Shabaz) with the emphasis that the Seventh-Day Adventist church is God's vehicle for the final message. Spirit of Prophecy was rigorously quoted to indicate that whatever problems the church struggles with it will fight on and present the message of the end time. I am receiving conviction that I should not be giving up on the church. Whatever problems there are, though they are many and deep, the church is under God's control. Whatever falsehoods, failures, and problems the devil brings deep into the church, those who are committed to the message will struggle on and prevail.

Deep soul searching continues concerning my own relationship to the church. What does God ask of me? Long pleading with God and the Holy Spirit for guidance is in the future. The Lord will guide.

Al and Colette Martin finished the morning 11:30 - 12:30 "Spiritual Warfare part 1". A good solid introduction to the fight against the devil and the victory available through the power of God. Particularly noted was the promise of the Messiah that his followers would go forth in power with signs of healing and the casting our of demons. The notable question "Where do we see this power in our church today?"

Special mention was made that the General Conference is considering a 28th fundamental doctrine to be entitled "Spiritual Warfare". The power of Satan is well understood in the third world but the conservative US sees demons as a problem not found in the US. The results of this struggle will be eagerly watched by some.

Next: What is Happening?

Revised 2004-09-30