Preparing for the End of Time | |
IAUA End Time Ministry | |
The Lord is Coming! Are you ready? | |
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Chapter Contents
Sometime in the months before Thanksgiving a farmer selects a turkey and places it in a pen for special feeding and care. This is the time of the end for the turkey. As months go by the farmer feeds the turkey well and it grows plump. The day before Thanksgiving the farmer goes to the shed, and starts sharpening the axe. This is the end of time for the turkey. It is the same for this world. Each day dawns with first light followed by the sunrise. The time of the end and the end of time, also have a dawn and sunrise. Prophecy foretells the signs and dates of these things. In order to understand where we are in the stream of time, we must go back to see how we got here. Then we can be prepared to look into the future. |
The 2300 Year ProphecyWe are now living in the time of the end as prophesied by Daniel. The Bible first introduces longest time prophecy in the entire Bible in Daniel 8. 13 Then I heard one saint speaking, and another saint said unto that certain saint which spake, How long shall be the vision concerning the daily sacrifice, and the transgression of desolation, to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden under foot? A day in prophecy represents a year. The 2300-day (year) prophecy ended in 1844. It began in 457 BC with the going forth of the decree for the rebuilding of Jerusalem and the restoration of the nation of Israel after the Babylonian captivity. God gave the nation of Israel another chance to follow Him and prepare for the First Coming of the Messiah. They failed to do this, God again destroyed Jerusalem, and God again eliminated the nation of Israel in 70 AD. God again symbolically restored the political nation of Israel in 1948 to prepare for the Second Coming of the Messiah. |
The 1260 Year ProphecyThe prophet tells us of the dark night of apostasy in Daniel 7. The dawn of the time of the end followed this great apostasy. 25 And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time. The 1260-day prophecy ended in 1798. The Dark Ages was this time of apostasy and persecution. The Time of the End (TOE 01.1/6) YouTube video presentations are an excellent introductory discussion of the prophecies. |
The Dark Ages of ApostasyThe Dark Ages saw a tremendous apostasy from Biblical truth. This apostasy trampled Great truths to the ground. These truths lay hidden for centuries and were all but lost. Paul saw the beginning of the mystery of iniquity, the man of sin, the son of perdition. The corruption and domination of religious power in Papal Rome grew until the full establishment of the evil mingling with political power in 538. Papal Rome dominated until the political blow to its power in 1798. 1 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, The Apostle John calls the son of perdition, the antichrist. Those within and closest to the system the antichrist created clearly reveal its identity. By the 12th Century, the faithful and revered of the Roman Catholic Church were expressing the most profound discontent. Bernard of Clairvaux said, concerning the Catholic bishops: They are ministers of Christ, but servants of antichrist; the gold on their spurs, their reins and saddles, is brighter than on their altars; their tables are splendid with dishes and cups, thence their drunkenness and gluttony; their larders are stored with provisions, and their cellars overflow with wine - and for such rewards as these men seek to become bishops; for these things are not bestowed on merit but on things which walk in darkness. Warning! Papal Rome is an apostatized religious system mingled with political power created by Satan. Do not apply what I am saying to people in the Roman Catholic Church. Do not confuse the difference between the errors of the power system and the people in the church. While we hate sin and oppose evil systems, we must remember to have God's love for all of His children in our heart. God does not warn us of this false system to condemn or hurt us. He does this because He loves us and desires our eternal good. He knows there are many honest and faithful people who are a part of this system. It is not the individuals He condemns, but rather the institution. He only condemns the system because He loves the people who are deceived by its erroneous teachings. 1 Judge not, that ye be not judged. |
The ReformationIn the 14th Century, the seeds of the Reformation were sprouting. The Reformation challenged the religious power of the church. John Wycliffe shows his bold stand of opposition to the pope (as the representative of the evil system) in the following passage: "The Gospel of Jesus Christ," he said, "is the only source of true religion. The Pope is Antichrist, the proud worldly priest of Rome, and the most cursed of clippers and purse-carvers." The 15th century saw the martyrdom of one of the early reformers John Hus. His observation: The Roman pontiff and the cardinals are not the Church. The Church can exist without cardinals and a pope, and in fact for hundreds of years there were no cardinals. As for the position Christ assigned to Peter, Christ called himself the Rock, and the Church is founded on him. The 16th century saw the rise of one of the greatest of the reformers Martin Luther. His statements: ...There is buying, selling, bartering, trading, trafficking, lying, deceiving, robbing, stealing, luxury, harlotry, knavery, and every sort of contempt of God, and even the rule of Antichrist could not be more scandalous. Venice, Antwerp, Cairo are nothing compared to this fair which is held at Rome and the business which is done there, except that in those other places they still observe right and reason. I was wrong. I retract the statement that certain articles of John Hus are evangelical. I say now, "Not some but all the articles of John Hus were condemned by Antichrist and his apostles in the synagogue of Satan." And to your face, most holy Vicar of God, I say freely that all the condemned articles of John Hus are evangelical and Christian, and yours are downright impious and diabolical. |
The Beast Wounded and HealingThe decay of the religious power of Rome from the attacks of the Reformation continued until the loss of political power and the deadly wound in 1798. Napoleon sent Berthier to Rome with orders to imprison the pope and bring him to France. The time of the end was dawning. 3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast. As prophesied, the beast was, as it were, wounded to death. Napoleon severely reduced the Catholic Church in political power, wealth, possessions, and influence for many years. As prophesied, the deadly wound is healing and the beast begins to grow in power again. The deadly wound began healing with the Lateran Treaty between the Holy See and the kingdom of Italy, which was signed in 1929. This returned political status to the Catholic Church and some of its wealth and possessions.
Lateran Treaty
Revised 2015-08-21 |