2004-12-31 New Year


IAUA End Time Ministry

Preparing for the End of Time

The Lord is Coming!   Are you ready?

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Fri Dec 31 15:26:10 EST 2004

Dear Brothers and Sisters in IAUA our Father,

Greetings on this day of preparation for the weekly sabbath.

Tonight at midnight starts the Gregorian Catholic New Year. Most will take this excuse to party (usually with alchohol) and stay up all night. This is a sad violation of the laws of health. It is also yet another mockery of God's Sacred Calendar. I have been studying calendars a bit lately. There are so many foibles in the Gregorian Catholic Calendar it is amusing.

Did you know that the original Roman calendar (circa 700 B.C.) started with the vernal equinox? This is actually an approximation of when the Sacred Calendar starts. The Roman calendar was a very haphazard affair. The pagan calendars have always been at the mercy of kings and priests.


The Julian Calendar (46 B.C.) was reasonably accurate for a time with leap years every four years. By this time the new year was starting at the winter solstice. The birthday of the Sun. The current date of December 25 has actually moved around quite a bit as far as its relationship to the solstice. This will be obvious as you study about calendars.


The Gregorian Catholic Calendar (1582) used in the world today was imposed on the world by the power of the Catholic church. It still took centuries of time. Though the calendar is quite accurate now there were arbitrary changes in the dates based on "traditions" which upset quite a few people. The power of the Catholic church and tradition keeps this calendar in force.


This year opens on a very sad note with the devastation of the Sumatra earthquake and tsunami. With the death toll currently at 120,000 and still expected to rise it is probably the largest disaster ever in terms of life lost. The planet is filling up with people and whatever happens is going to have a large impact on human life.

There are probably going to be many more even larger disasters very soon as the end of time draws near.

In other news...

I have added a bit of relaxation and fun to the website. Under the chapter title of "Relaxation" I have added a mental exercise. It is an exercise to memorize the books of the Bible in order. It is good exercise for children and adults alike.

I am also going to add an exercise called "Bible Verse Cryptographer". I wrote a program like this years ago. Unfortunately the source is on 5 1/4 disk. I don't have a 5 1/4 disk drive anymore! I will have to write it from scratch so it will take me a little while.

In this exercise you are presented with a verse from the Bible where each of the letters of the alphabet have been changed to another letter. Based on some educated guessing you can figure out how to change it back. Many people enjoyed it years ago when I passed it around. I am sure you will enjoy it too. It is a bit challenging but great fun.

I hope I don't have to tell you not to drink and drive. :-) Better yet don't drive at all. Stay home and go to bed early. There are a lot of other dangerous people out there. I am ready for the end of this crazy world. How about you?

May you find peace in the name of Yahushua (Ee-ah-oo-shoo-oh) Messiah the son of God.

Shabbat Shalom

Frank T. Clark
Webmaster at FrankTClark.us

Next: 2005-01-07 New Years and Christmas revisited

Revised 2005-01-07