2005-09-01 Loneliness


IAUA End Time Ministry

Preparing for the End of Time

The Lord is Coming!   Are you ready?

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Dear Brothers and Sisters in IAUA (ee-ah-oo-ah) our Father,

Greetings on this day of preparation for the weekly sabbath. I hope this newsletter finds you in good health and happy in the service of the Lord.

The newsletter is a little early this week because this Friday I am again traveling to Pennsylvania. This time I will be picking up my wife, two of our grandchildren, and the two dogs. After a Sabbath days rest, we will be heading back to Illinois to settle down together. It will be rough for several days until our furniture arrives. At least we will be together again.

It has been a long time. Almost two months of being here alone in Southern Illinois. It has been a severe trial for me. I was able to visit with my wife for a few short days in Pennsylvania the beginning of the month. A time of severe trial also because the devil tried to kill me and I lost my car in a bad accident from which God led me away without a scratch. We had a couple of days together a couple of weeks ago when she was here to decide on a house for us to move into.

It has been a time of severe trial for my wife living alone in Pennsylvania trying to manage two of our grandchildren by herself. The last month has been spent in a run-down old house with hardly any furniture trying to manage a transition for moving to Illinois while holding down a full-time job.

As I look back over the trials of the last couple of years, which have intensified in the last couple of months, I also consider the trials which still face us in putting our lives back together. We will be squeezing into a smaller home, in a different state, a different region of the country, where we don't have any friends or family within hundreds of miles.

It will be hardest for my wife who is not used to moving. She has only moved once before in over 40 years. It will also be hard for the grandchildren. They are moving from a city in a heavily populated area to a nearly empty country setting. We will be placing the grandchildren in a small multiple grade Christian school of 30 students which is vastly different from the hundreds of students in the public school they previously attended.

I am pondering the meaning of all this. It would be so easy to complain "Why does God do this to us!" God does have a plan for us. He only wants our good. Therefore there is a reason why this is good for us. It is a little hard for me to fathom. It is very hard for my wife to understand.

There is a reason for these experiences of stress, heartache, loneliness, loss, and struggle. I have often been told by people that hear about my experiences that God must be preparing us for something really big. I suspect that He is preparing us for the end of time. I believe His coming is very soon and the world will soon be a very bad place for all of us.

God seems to be preparing us for something pretty bad. Our experiences have taught us to persevere and have made us stronger.

Are you prepared for what lies ahead?

May we all find peace and unity in the soon coming of IAUShUO (Ee-ah-oo-shoo-oh) Messiah, the Son of God.

Shabbat Shalom

Frank T. Clark
Webmaster at IAUA.name

Next: 2005-09-16 End Time Events

Revised 2005-09-16