2007-02-02 Doctrinal Backlash


IAUA End Time Ministry

Preparing for the End of Time

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Dear Brothers and Sisters in IAUA (ee-ah-oo-ah) our Father,

Greetings on this day of preparation for the weekly sabbath. I hope this newsletter finds you in good health and happy in the service of the Lord.

Continuing with the subject of doctrine, I want to address the dangers of a flawed doctrine being taught in the church. The fundamental beliefs are clear about the perpetuity of God's law. There is nothing in the fundamental beliefs against the statutes of God's law. The interpretation of the beliefs in official church publications states that some statutes (God's annual sabbaths) are no longer binding.

This is a contradictory position. The dangers of such a position were amplified to me while I was reading a booklet published by 3ABN. It is entitled "Rome's Challenge: Why do Protestants Keep Sunday". It is basically a reprint of a series of articles from a Catholic publication.

These articles are the most detailed and profound Bible study and exposition proving that Saturday is the Bible Sabbath. It would serve as the basis of a great Adventist evangelistic sermon.

My wife was confused as I was reading it to her because it is so persuasive about the Adventist viewpoint yet it is written by a Catholic. I pointed out to her that you need to read very carefully that the point of the teaching is to criticize Protestants, who claim to follow the Bible, for rejecting the leadership of the Catholic church while observing a day decreed by the Catholic church.

Most people do not realize that the Protestant Reformation almost changed the Catholic church. It was the failure of the Protestants to follow through with their claim of "Sola Scriptura" (the Bible alone) in their weekly day of observance which finally led the Catholic church to reject the rest of their teachings. Don't take my word for it. Get the pamphlet and read it.

This Catholic publication went on to label Protestants as hypocritical and the tool of the devil because they worship weekly on the day determined by the Catholic church. They repeatedly referred to the Jews and the Adventists as proof that the Protestants were misguided. I believe that it is arguments just like these that have already lead and will continue to lead Protestants back into the Catholic fold.

As I was reading I had a very strange feeling.

You can take the words of this publication and with just a small change turn it into a powerful criticism of the Adventist church as being hypocritical.

The same arguments can prove that Adventists reject God's annual sabbaths (holy days) and do not reject the annual Catholic holy days (holidays). It is not enough to sometimes, half-heartedly ignore the Catholic holidays.

The Catholic church clearly claims that it has changed both the weekly sabbath and the annual sabbaths. It upholds these acts and their acceptance as proof of its power.

When the typical Adventist who has been taught the neglect or rejection of God's annual sabbaths is faced with the truth of these arguments. They will either accept the whole truth of the Bible or apostatize to the view of the Catholic church or maybe try to continue in denial of the whole business.

When confronted with the truth of the annual sabbaths for the first time, under pressure from Catholic influences it will be a very agonizing struggle. The silence of the church on this subject will be a stinging rebuke causing a loss of faith in the other teachings.

This will be especially powerful on those who have never carefully studied the Bible and doctrines for themselves. A sense of confusion and betrayal in a time of great struggle and calamity will unsettle many.

When this test comes, as I am sure it will, will you be unsettled... or sealed?

May we strive for peace and unity in truth preparing for the soon coming of IAUShUO (Ee-uh-oo-shoo-oh) Messiah, the Son of God.

Shabbat Shalom,

Frank T. Clark

Next: 2007-02-09 The Earthly Sanctuary

Revised 2007-02-09