2004-10-22 Good Afternoon


IAUA End Time Ministry

Preparing for the End of Time

The Lord is Coming!   Are you ready?

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Fri Oct 22 13:49:59 EST 2004

Good morning dear friends,

I praise the Lord for the joy and happiness He has brought into my life. I almost always wake up with a song in my heart and there is barely a moment during the day when I am not listening to music or singing a song in my heart. Sometimes both! At this moment I am listening to a very soothing CD of gentle music accompanying the sounds of Orca vocalizations. Fantastic! The song in my heart this moment:

I've got the joy, joy, joy down in my heart.
I'm so happy, so very happy.
I have the love of Jesus in my heart.

My spirit has been soaring higher and higher and accelerating these past few years, months, and weeks. There are times I lose ground to Satan and suffer hopelessness and despair. This has been very rare these past few months.

I am keeping very busy with the internet ministry. I have scanned the Tabernacles presentation material from Pastor Fine into the www.TruthsThatTransform.info website. This is just a start until I can get the WORD files for the written text and maybe better quality documents for the examples to scan.

Alberta and Gerry Thompson of www.RestorationSB.com gave some wonderful presentations on health at Tabernacles. They have asked for my help to continue with the development of their website. It will be interesting to see what they present.

Al and Colette Martin (www.AnchorMin.org) called me to say that they would be getting someone else to work on their website. They said that working long distance kept them from interacting as they wanted. I wish them the best. I wanted you to know what happened when "IAUA End Time Ministry" disappears from their website. It may take them quite a while to make the transition.

I may have embarassed them. They were asked after one of their Tabernacles presentations for their website address. Al declined to give it citing difficulties with getting the material on the website. The difficulties were that they were unable to get me copies of their handout material that I could read on my PC. I later announced what the website was and promised that I would have the material on the website in a week. The Spirit had led me earlier to realize that I could just scan the material onto the website. This has already been done. It is not elegant but it works.

This is the first newsletter from "IAUA End Time Ministry". I plan a weekly update on Fridays to all who are interested. I hope you will like it. I will write more later. Don't forget that I add revisions to the website (www.IAUA.name) almost daily. If you have not read it through recently, please do so. I am eager for any and all comments, questions, and suggestions.

Shabbat Shalom,

Frank T. Clark
Webmaster at FrankTClark.us

Next: 2004-10-24 Serving the Lord

Revised 2004-12-19