2004-10-24 Serving the Lord


IAUA End Time Ministry

Preparing for the End of Time

The Lord is Coming!   Are you ready?

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Sun Oct 24 16:11:47 EST 2004

Welcome to the second newsletter from IAUA End Time Ministries. I am not going to be adhering to any particular schedule for these newsletters but I anticipate there will be one at least once a week. I plan to try to keep the newsletter small so that you can read it in one very short sitting and not feel the need to save it to come back to it later.

The subject of this newsletter is serving the Lord. A very big subject of which this is only a tidbit. The Lord has led me to this ministry of presenting the Fourth Angel's Message on the internet. He has also led me to assist others wanting to do the same thing. He has led me to suggest making presentations available even when the author had not considered publishing on the internet. He has led me to have the skills and knowledge to do this cheaply and effectively. He led me to step out in faith and to assist others without ever thinking about costs.

That is the purpose He has placed in my heart. I will assist anyone with a message in service to the Lord to make it available on the internet without any charge. Amazingly, I started with nothing (I am unemployed) and there are now nine websites in place with valuable presentations in varying stages of development. The ministry provides all domain registration and hosting at no charge to the presenters. I have also provided all website management, design, development, and maintenance at no charge. I also do all I can to teach people to handle their own website as much as practical. The only thing I won't do is write what gets said on a person's website. I will help organize and format but that is it.

I was embarassed when individuals stepped forward with contributions to the ministry without ever being solicited. I had resolved from the start that I will never ever mention cost or solicit supporting funds from anyone. The total expenses to date have been hundreds of dollars. There is hundreds of dollars still available being used for ongoing expenses and ready to be used on new websites. My income for the last year $0. Out of pocket expense for all the Lord has given me to do 0$. I praise the Lord and I am deeply humbled. I am now hereby resolved that this is the first and last mention of money in this newsletter ever. There has never been and will never be a mention of money on the web site.

I will feel free to repeat this. For people with a message to share that serves the Lord it can be made available on the internet for no charge.

I have also had the joy and opportunity to assist other web sites with technical expertise, development time, and effort.

On each website I develop I place an acknowledgement and link to IAUA End Time Ministry. Unfortunately I have had a complaint against that practice. An individual was willing to let me do the work and provide for their website but then they didn't want to be associated with my ministry. This complaint caused a great deal of anguish for me. The individual is employed by the SDA denomination and they also expressed fear that it could jeopardize their job to have IAUA End Time Ministry mentioned. Adjustments were made after a great deal of prayer. When that website recently came up for renewal, after more prayer, I told them I would not renew their site. They were free to take the material I developed for them somewhere else.

I have made changes in the IAUA End Time Ministry acknowledgement that is placed on all websites based on complaints by the one individual. I added a disclaimer and have reduced the size of the acknowledgement to reduce the appearance of overwhelming the website presentation. In the past week I have created a new smaller banner which is being implemented.

Thank you for your time and interest.

In the service of the Lord,

Frank T. Clark
Webmaster at FrankTClark.us

P.S. Archives of the newsletter are always available from the website home page. You can end your subscription :-( to the news letter from the same place. New people can subscribe :-) there also.

Next: 2004-10-29 Present Truth and the Fourth Angel's Message

Revised 2004-12-19