2004-11-05 Present Truth and the Fourth Angel's Message - Part II


IAUA End Time Ministry

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Fri Nov 5 12:50:40 EST 2004


Greetings on this day of preparation for the weekly sabbath.

I have been reading extensively from the writings of Ellen White. As I read, I see over and over again similarities between the Three Angels' Message and the Fourth Angel's Message. I have heard some say that Ellen spoke of the Fourth Angel's Message. This needs to be carefully clarified. It brings disrepute to the message to make unfounded claims.

Ellen spoke of the "other angel" of Revelation 18 with a message that added to that of the three angels and especially the second angel. Those who believe that the Fourth Angel's Message is the restoration of the statutes of God try very hard to justify this belief from Ellen's writings.

Ellen was a prophet of the Third Angel's Message which made great strides in presenting the seventh day sabbath and other messages to the world. Some of those who teach the Fourth Angel's Message try to show that Ellen believed, practiced, or taught the importance of the statutes. While she did say much in support of the statutes and new light, it is not appropriate to try to extract explicit teachings of the Fourth Angel's Message from her work. She spoke of "new light" which she did not know. If she had known the truth of the last final restoration of God's law, she would certainly have spoken more plainly about it.

The Fourth Angel's Message is best presented and understood firstly as a biblical message of truth. The knowledge of the Fourth Angel's Message does provide a new insight from Ellen's words. With the knowledge of the Fourth Angel's Message, her words can be seen in a greater light of truth and illumination to the world. The truth of the Bible stands on its own and does not require support from the Three Angel's Message. The Bible is the source of the Three Angel's Message and the Fourth Angel's Message.

The people of God in the 19th century and all the centuries of the Reformation made great strides in understanding and presenting the truth revealed and restored in their time. They faced great resistance, trials and temptations from Satan. They advanced mightily. Here at the end of the 20th century and beginning the 21st century, we have additional light on old truth to understand and present.

Additional confusion about the Fourth Angel's Message occurs because of teachings concerning additional angels. The identifying characteristics of the four angels with a message to the world (Revelation 14:6, 8, 9, 18:1) are that they fly in the midst of heaven or come down from heaven and cry with a loud voice to all. Revelation 14:15, 17, 18, 15:6, 18:21, 19:17, 20:1, and others all describe additional angels. These additional angels do different things from different places and speak to someone specifically.

The writings of Ellen about the "other" angel of Revelation 18 are valuable inspirations and explanations about the message we are giving. The Bible is the source of the message. The truth has been spread and is about to spread in a mighty way. Will you do your part in learning and spreading that truth?

Shabbat Shalom

Frank T. Clark
Webmaster at FrankTClark.us

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