2005-02-25 Leaving it all behind


IAUA End Time Ministry

Preparing for the End of Time

The Lord is Coming!   Are you ready?

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Dear Brothers and Sisters in IAUA (ee-ah-oo-ah) our Father,

Greetings on this day of preparation for the weekly sabbath. I hope this newsletter finds you in good health and happy in the service of the Lord.

I have been troubled lately with my struggle in my desire to follow God. I have been facing some trials. I have not been able to find a job for a year and a half. You may feel some confusion as to whether I was even looking for a job. Your confusion is understandable. My wife also has difficulty understanding. I confess that sometimes I am not sure I understand myself. Let me try to explain.

I am uncertain of the details of God's plan for my future. I do believe that He led me to greater study of His Word and preparation when I was laid off from my job. He led me to work in presenting truth on the Internet. I have assumed that He wishes me to continue. I have not presumed that I should not look for a job and not expect to return to work. I continue to remain open to how He will lead me.

I have kept my eyes and ears open about possible work. There has been nothing. I have set limits on how far I will go to find a job. I have felt that I should not travel 50 miles one way to Philadelphia every day as I travelled for five years before I was laid off. I have felt that I should not consider uprooting my family and moving somewhere to find a job.

My constant prayer and desire is to know God's will for my life and I will do it. I know that God has a plan for my life and I follow it as He leads me. I take one step at a time as the path opens before me. I know that my future is to have a home in heaven and to serve Him until He comes. Until He comes I do not know the details of what the future holds. I know who holds the future and that is enough for me.

There are still no job prospects for me. My financial situation has deteriorated to the point where I have to sell my house and move. It is a trying time but God leads, cares, and provides. There are many in this world who suffer far more than we do. When the time of trouble comes it will surely be even worse for us and the world. Our current trial is a small thing compared to the things soon to come.

It is interesting that even in the midst of this trial that God is still watching over us. The value of our house has almost doubled in these 15 years. This will allow us to move into a smaller more remote home in a less quiet and pleasant neighbourhood. After paying off the mortgage we will be able to pay cash outright for the smaller home. There should still be some money left to pay off the car loans. Talk about clouds with silver linings! Debt free! Only Satan's temptations and attachments to the things of this world keep this from being a good thing.

Speaking of attachments to the things of this world. This trial will be valuable to help us to focus on the things not of this earth. We will be forced to evaluate our earthly attachments and part with many of our earthly possessions. I confess that this is amazingly difficult to do. It is hard to leave your home of fifteen years with all its comforts and move to a smaller, older, less comfortable house.

This experience highlights for me just how easy it is to be attached to the things of this world. I am less attached than most, I think, but it is still affecting me tremendously. The time of trouble just before us will be even worse. Now is the time to start letting go of the things of this earth.

What difficulties will you face in leaving it all behind? How attached are you to the things of this world?

May we all find peace in the name of Yahushua (Ee-ah-oo-shoo-oh) Messiah, the son of God.

Shabbat Shalom

Frank T. Clark
Webmaster at IAUA.name

Next: 2005-03-04 Good Health

Revised 2005-03-04