2007-02-16 Calendar Symbolism


IAUA End Time Ministry

Preparing for the End of Time

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Dear Brothers and Sisters in IAUA (ee-ah-oo-ah) our Father,

Greetings on this day of preparation for the weekly sabbath. I hope this newsletter finds you in good health and happy in the service of the Lord.

I have been pondering possible symbolisms in the calendar. It has been my observation that God incorporates many patterns and symbolisms in everything He does. The Bible is loaded with symbolism and describes some of the symbolisms found in nature. Some of these are explained and obvious and some are more subtle. When looking for symbolisms is is helpful to ask yourself what might seem to be unusual questions.

Why does the day begin at sundown? Is there a symbolism to why God specified it that way? Consider this possibility. Light is a well known symbol for truth and dark is a well known symbol for error.

The bright light of day represents the reign of truth in heaven before Lucifer's fall. The lengthening shadows as evening approaches represent the creeping advances of sin. The earth was created at the symbolic sunset of truth as it is shadowed by the spread of sin. Soon after sunset the deepening darkness of sin began its spread.

The approaching dawn of the resurrection morning represents the approach of the end of sin. The shadows still linger until the thousand years expire and final judgment signals the complete end of sin. The memories and the pain of sin fade as the brightness of the new day increases.

There are also important symbolisms in numbers. By the time of the New Testament there were definately 24 hours in a day. It is not clear how long this had been the normal custom. No significant symbolism occurs to me about this number though I note that it is 2 times 12 which is a richly symbolic number and 4 times 6 which is also a richly symbolic number.

The seven days of the week are a well known symbolism of the six thousand years of the reign of sin with the final thousand years of the earths millenium sabbath rest before the end of sin.

The course of the month seems to have many possibilities for symbolism though none seem obvious to me yet. The month begins as the moon moves from a conjunction with the sun in the west at sunset growing brighter each day as it sets later in the night. The moon follows the sun through the day settling more and more into the night as it gets brighter. At its greatest brightness it is completely in charge of the night and invisible during the day. Finally the sun catches up with the moon at the end of the month.

There is at least one interesting possiblity. The day can represent heaven and the night can represent earth. The moon could represent the Messiah. He visited earth and for a time he was not in heaven at all but completely bound to earth. It is interesting to note that the full moon was the time of His sacrifice.

The symbolisms of the sun moving through the backdrop of the constellations of the sky through the year has been noted by others. It is tempting to wonder if the pattern of the days in the months and years had a more evenly divisible relationship at creation and what the numerical relationships will be when the new earth is restored.

It seems as if modern life with its seemingly increasing emphasis on bringing light and daytime patterns into the night has destroyed our appreciation of God's calendar as shown in the sky. The Roman calendar has totally obliterated our understanding and appreciation of heavenly patterns as emphasized in God's calendar.

How often are you aware of the course of God's calendar as you observe the phases of the moon? How often do you even notice the phases of the moon?

May we strive for peace and unity in truth preparing for the soon coming of IAUShUO (ee-uh-oo-shoo-oh) Messiah, the Son of God.

Shabbat Shalom,

Frank T. Clark

Next: 2007-02-23 Calendar Remembrances

Revised 2007-02-23