2007-03-30 The Spring Yearly Sabbaths


IAUA End Time Ministry

Preparing for the End of Time

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Dear Brothers and Sisters in IAUA (ee-ah-oo-ah) our Father,

Greetings on this day of preparation for the weekly Sabbath. I hope this newsletter finds you in good health and happy in the service of the Lord. This is the 11th day of the first month. It is three days until the evening of the first Unleavened Sabbath (Tuesday April 3). It is one week and two days until the evening of the second Unleavened Sabbath (Monday April 9). It is seven weeks and four days until the evening of Pentecost Sabbath (Wednesday May 23).

This spring holyday season is a time of remembering the great events of the Saviour's sacrifice and looking forward to the great events that will soon transpire at the end of this age. It is important to note that God was so specific to have prophetic fulfillments on Passover, the first Unleavened Bread Sabbath, and Pentecost Sabbath at the first advent. There were probably other events that occurred on the yearly Sabbaths but were not explictly noted.

I always get a bit excited when the holyday season comes. I am certain in the last year or so before His second advent there will be major prophetic fulfillments on His holydays. You just never know when things will start happening. When I look at world events and changes occurring in the churches I can't help but think that it will not be long now.

I received an encouraging and troubling e-mail this week.


In your newsletter of yesterday, you asked, Are you restoring all of God's law in your life to prepare for a revival of primitive faith and godliness?

........and the answer is yes. I am in the process of that, and thankful that He continues to lead all to Him that are seeking and willing to follow.

I have done some searching on your site, looking for a couple pieces of information, and wasn't able to find. Maybe you can point me in the direction or provide some info.

I believe you discussed with me, or pointed it out in your material, that you believe that the people looking for Jesus' return in 1844 had the interpretation wrong including the date. My questions are along those lines.

1. If the start of the biblical new year is the new moon nearest the vernal equinox, doesn't that mean that the day of atonement and feast of tabernacles could never be in late October?

2. If this is the case, what about the 2300 day prophecy? Has that been misinterpreted? Was the timing wrong? Just wondering what your studies have discovered about this particular issue?

Apologies if I have missed finding this info on your site, and and instead have come up with another of those questions that you have been presented with again and again.

Thanks again for your assist and discussion.


I responded:

I am extremely alarmed that I appeared to give any indication that I disagreed with anything other than the date. The Millerites were of course wrong in the expectation that the Saviour would return in 1844 but everything else presented and our foundational SDA beliefs are right on target. I am extremely distressed that anything I say appears to indicate otherwise. That is why you can't find anything about this on my site because there is nothing. I stress again and again that I am in basic agreement with every fundamental Adventist belief. I don't know how I can be any more clear.

According to my understanding of the Bible, and where the Bible does not specify, the historical evidence of tradition, preserved by those following God to the best of their understanding, October 22 cannot be the Day of Atonement. That is the only error I admit and I am not afraid to pinpoint.

Any one who thinks that recognizing the error in the setting of a date, based on a lack of understanding of a truth that was not revealed at that time, justifies or means that any other truth does not apply is wrong. I am often told that I am too blunt but I am sorry. An error of throwing out the baby with the bath water is too severe too be treated lightly. Anyone who thinks this, or is afraid to admit an error because of this, is wrong. I apologize for being so outspoken.

If I have said anything that leads a person to think otherwise, please point out my error and I will correct it immediately. I hope that this correction is crystal clear.


I apologize for any distress or misunderstanding caused by the things I say when I am compelled to be outspoken and boldly adhere to the truth I understand. My reaction to this was so strong because I had just read a statement in another newsletter that troubled me deeply. They stated that accepting that October 22 was not the correct Day of Atonement would also exclude any other relative beliefs and doctrines associated with that date. They further stated that it would lead to discarding other beliefs and on and on the tumbling of beliefs would go.

This is called the "domino effect" and is the basis of many arguments by those in the Adventist church against accepting any "New Light". I acknowledge that there are some issues that are so central that they would lead to the destruction of other beliefs. The simple error of picking a wrong date by those who are not intimately familiar with God's calendar is not the basis for dismissing everything they said. The Millerites didn't even accept the Sabbath and we don't hold that against the teachings they began.

If a person's belief system is so weak that they are unsettled by the correcting of a simple error what will happen when the time of trouble comes!

I have been questioned as to why I refer to all the holydays as yearly Sabbaths. It was actually a lot stronger than a question but I will leave it at that. When someone quotes Revelation 22:18-19 (cross-reference Deteronomy 4:2) it is pretty strong. These are very powerful verses to be considered by those who nail the "Law of Moses" to the cross. Anyway...

It is true that two of the seven yearly Sabbaths are not explicitly referred to using the word Sabbath. Sabbath means rest and all the yearly Sabbaths as well as the weekly Sabbath are specified as days when there is to be no work. I believe it is a pointless splitting of hairs to object to calling them all yearly Sabbaths.

Leviticus 23:4 and 37-38 make it quite clear that all the yearly Sabbaths and the weekly Sabbath are considered a unit and a package deal. Anyone who rejects the yearly Sabbaths needs to consider this very carefully. Anyone who says that some of them should not be called Sabbaths is making a vain point.

I pray that we may all continue to strive for peace and unity in truth preparing for the soon coming of IAUShUO (ee-uh-oo-shoo-oh) Messiah, the Son of God.

Shabbat Shalom,

Frank T. Clark

Next: 2007-04-06 Controversy

Revised 2007-04-06