2008-01-18 The Hour is Come


IAUA End Time Ministry

Preparing for the End of Time

The Lord is Coming!   Are you ready?

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Dear Brothers and Sisters in IAUA (ee-uh-oo-uh) our Father,

Greetings on this day of preparation for the weekly Sabbath. I hope this newsletter finds you in good health and happy in the service of the Lord. This is the 9th day of the 11th month of God's Sacred Calendar in the year 6011 Anno Mundi.

It is about two months or 9 weeks and one day until the Spring Holy Days begin with Passover and the evening of the 15th day of the 1st month in the year 6012 Anno Mundi, which is the first Unleavened Bread Sabbath (Sunset on Saturday, March 22 on the 2008 Gregorian calendar).

I found quite interesting the theme for the Gregorian Catholic year that was originally suggested by Danny Shelton at the 3ABN day of prayer to begin the new Gregorian Catholic year...

"We Are Nearing Home"

This was not actually adopted...

I have not written in a month because I have not felt impressed with a presentation that was needed. Two things have triggered this newsletter. The first was this email announcement I received:


The book "The Church Triumphant, New Light, and the 144,000" is now available to read on-line or download a PDF. The welcome page has a link to it and anytime you are viewing a description of the book there is a link there, too. We're still working on getting a copy of the manuscript for the "Holy History" (Disclaimer) book.


My response:


Excellent work! I have glanced at the material and I am thrilled to see how well linked and presented it is. Actually I confess I am moved to tears. The end is coming soon and material like this will "lighten the world". Excellent, excellent, excellent for all the material you have added to the www.BibleExplorations.com website.

3ABN is doing a great job getting people started on the truth, with the unfortunate error in teaching that the "Law of Moses" is nailed to the cross. Bible Explorations is a "look a little higher" that corrects that error and points to the greater light.


I have a strong sense that the internet is and will be a major source of spreading the truth. I am deeply impressed when I see more truth available. I am particularly partial to this book because it was instrumental in my own returning to a closer walk with God, learning additional truth, and return to the Adventist church.

The second thing that impressed me was this email:


I found your site and am interested in more information

I am leading a group of believers in Washington State and am deepening my understanding in the practice of keeping the statutes written by Moses. I am interested in how you are being led to do this also and how other group/denominational hierarchies are reacting to this. I am also trying to understand the usage of IAUA as it relates to the sacred name.

May the Creator of all things bless you and stand guard over you.


I responded:


I am extremely pleased to hear from you. There are people all over the world in many denominations who are being drawn to this topic by the power of the Holy Spirit. God will bless you as you move forward into all truth. What denominational background is your group coming from?

As you continue reading on my website you will find that the established denominations are adamantly against anything new. They are afraid it will disrupt their established traditions.

There are many other websites dealing with these issues. Have you found many of them? How long have you been studying? I would love to hear more. My background and history is thoroughly covered on my web site.

Please read the website thoroughly and I believe you will find many of your questions answered there about anything I know and have discovered. If you have any other questions or things you would like to discuss I would love to correspond with you.


They responded:


I am a descendant of the Israelites.

My path I walk is a rather long one but I can abbreviate it for you. My fathers did evil in the sight of Y.H.W.H. and were sent away from the land promised to Abraham in order that they might receive blessings and curses. (Israel needs to reason from cause and effect). At some point in time, some of my fore-fathers were overcome by Rome and were drawn away and were converted to serve the deities of Rome. But according to Moses, in later years, the desire to keep the ancient ways would return to the descendants of those who had strayed from the path. Their children, according to the teachings of the Tenach, would be given the spirit to walk according to the ancient teachings that had made the fathers of Israel strong. I am one among those who are making their journey back.

As a child I worshiped false deities and bowed down before the idols of my fathers. But in 1976 at age 17, my personal rebellion against what I knew to be right was overwhelming me within my conscience and I began to search the scriptures. Over time, I was drawn to understand through the 10 commandments that I was breaking the 2nd commandment by bowing before the idols that my family worshiped within the Roman Catholic Church. I then learned to keep the Sabbath as specified by Y.H.W.H. and turned away from the Sunday which by the way infuriated my Father. I became a Seventh Day Adventist at age 18 and continued to progress in my walk with Y.H.W.H.

While I will always be very grateful to the Seventh Day Adventists for their hospitality towards me and my family, I have found that there exists a strange hostility towards the instructions of Moses. I have also observed the same sentiments throughout the Christian church at large. I did spend some time in an attempt to lead a few Seventh Day Adventist Christians to follow these instructions. But my efforts were futile and after a few years, I and my family decided to walk the ancient path alone. I found breathing space and the ability to wholeheartedly follow the instructions which Y.H.W.H gave to Moses and taught to Israel.

I found that I am not alone on this path. There are others who feel the same as I feel and we congregate weekly in Marysville Washington at this time. Our desire is to fulfill the mission given to Israel and bless all nations by simply following the instructions of Moses in accordance with the spirit of prophecy. I and my companions want to progress and continuously improve our understanding regarding these teachings.

I hope this helps you to understand my background Frank.


I replied:


I am also a Seventh-Day Adventist as I mention on my website. Most people who recognize the need to follow all of God's Law (part of which is called the Law of Moses) come from those who follow all of the Ten Commandments. It is true that the SDA church does not actively teach all of God's Law but it is important to note that the fundamental beliefs never speak against any of God's Law.

It is also sadly true that there are many leaders in the church who do speak against the part of God's Law that is called the Law of Moses. It is interesting to note that some parts are already teachings of the church. This contradiction is lost on most in the church. Many are being drawn to the truth and many have accepted it.

I believe that this is the end of time and the lost prophecy of Malachi 4 which speaks directly to this time and this conflict is being fulfilled. Awesome events in the church and in the world are already beginning to come together. I believe that very soon rapidly escalating events will lead quickly to the end.

You are not alone brother. There are many, especially SDA, who are following God to all the truth. A major source of leadership can be found at www.BibleExplorations.com as well as many others. There is a groundswell from the grass roots driving this movement which is being brought about by the Holy Spirit.

God will bless you my brother in your sincere desire to follow Him wherever He leads.

Shalom, Frank


For some reason this text popped into my mind:

John 12:20-23
20 And there were certain Greeks among them that came up to worship at the feast:
21 The same came therefore to Philip, which was of Bethsaida of Galilee, and desired him, saying, Sir, we would see Jesus.
22 Philip cometh and telleth Andrew: and again Andrew and Philip tell Jesus.
23 And Jesus answered them, saying, The hour is come, that the Son of man should be glorified.

Do you want to see Jesus? Do you glorify the Son by a diligent search for the truth of God?

I pray that we may all continue to seek love, peace, and unity in truth preparing for the soon coming of IAUShUO (ee-uh-oo-shoo-oh) Messiah, the Son of God.

Shabbat Shalom,

Frank T. Clark

Next: 2008-01-25 Proper Observance

Revised 2012-09-28