2008-02-29 New Beginnings


IAUA End Time Ministry

Preparing for the End of Time

The Lord is Coming!   Are you ready?

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Dear Brothers and Sisters in IAUA (ee-uh-oo-uh) our Father,

Greetings on this day of preparation for the weekly Sabbath. I pray that this newsletter finds you in good health and happy in the service of the Lord. This is the 22nd day of the 12th month of God's Sacred Calendar in the year 6011 Anno Mundi.

It is 3 weeks and one day until the Spring Holy Days begin with Passover and the evening of the 15th day of the 1st month in the year 6012 Anno Mundi, which is the first Unleavened Bread Sabbath (Sunset on Saturday, March 22 on the 2008 Gregorian calendar).

The evening of the 21st day of the 1st month is the second Unleavened Bread Sabbath (Sunset on Friday, March 28 on the 2008 Gregorian calendar). On this particular yearly Sabbath all those who keep the weekly Sabbath will be observing the yearly Sabbath in form, if not in spirit.

The evening of the 6th day of the 3rd month is Pentecost Sabbath (Sunset on Sunday, May 11 on the 2008 Gregorian calendar). I pray that this may be the time of the special outpouring of the Holy Spirit in power and truth on the 144,000 to prepare the world for the final judgment.

Those who give allegiance to the beast (hopefully in ignorance) and the Roman Catholic church, have already observed a time of evaluating the past year and looking forward to the New Year. The pagan calendar, which is the basis of the Gregorian calendar, starts the New Year with the birth/return of the sun after the winter solstice. This is when the sun reaches it lowest position in the southern sky for those in the northern hemisphere.

Those who are faithful to the Word of God and have studied, so that they are fully aware of the truth, observe the calendar as specified by God. The 1st day of the 1st month (Sunset on Saturday, March 8 on the 2008 Gregorian calendar) is an appropriate time of new beginnings for a yearly evaluation. This is particularly true to prepare the heart for the Spring Holy Days only two weeks later. God's calendar begins in the spring which is a yearly equivalent to the daily sunrise.

This is a good opportunity to review the basis of God's Sacred Calendar. The calendar and especially the yearly Sabbaths are the most critical issue of the Third Elijah Message concerning the "Law of Moses" in the same way that the weekly Sabbath is the most critical issue of the Ten Commandments for present truth. This will be a quick summary. A more detailed presentation can be found at:


The first principle that must be clearly established is that God's sacred calendar is based on the movements of the sun and the moon.

Genesis 1:14 (Holman Christian Standard Bible)
14 Then God said, "Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night. They will serve as signs for festivals and for days and years.

The second principle is that Jerusalem is the reference point because the law goes forth out of the eternal city.

Isaiah 2:3
3 And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.

The third principle is that the sun sets the rules in the day and the moon sets the rules in the night.

Genesis 1:16
16 And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.

The sacred day begins with the evening at sunset. The day for the world begins 12 hours in advance of it beginning in Jerusalem and ends 12 hours after it ends in Jerusalem.

Genesis 1:5
5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.

The weekly cycle ending with the weekly Sabbath was established at creation. There is no astronomical witness for the weekly cycle. We have two witnesses for the weekly cycle by the religious tradition of the Jewish faith and the Catholic church.

Genesis 2:3
3 And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.

The Hebrew word for month actually means "new moon". The night (between sunset and sunrise in Jerusalem) of or immediately after the astronomical new moon begins the last day of the month. The potentially visible new moon of the next day begins the new month. Conditions in Jerusalem may prohibit the actual sighting of the new moon but the determination is the moon and not visibility. This verse refers to Trumpets Sabbath which is the first day of the month.

Psalms 81:3
3 Blow up the trumpet in the new moon, in the time appointed, on our solemn feast day.

Passover is the 14th day of a month which is on or immediately after the spring equinox. The first month of the year is the month in which Passover occurs. This principle is witnessed in specific detail by the religious tradition of the Catholic Church and in general by the religious tradition of the Jewish faith.

Exodus 12:2
3 This month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year to you.

It is ironic to note that the pagan celebration of Easter (The Catholic observed occasion for the resurrection of the Saviour.) is determined by the Catholic Church based on the timing of Passover. It does make sense because Passover was when the Saviour actually died. Instead of observing Wave Sheaf (the third day) when He actually arose, the Catholic church observes on the Sunday immediately after Passover.

Are you growing in understanding and observance of God's calendar?

I pray that we may all continue to seek love, peace, and unity in truth preparing for the soon coming of IAUShUO (ee-uh-oo-shoo-oh) Messiah, the Son of God.

Shabbat Shalom,

Frank T. Clark

Next: 2008-03-07 Salvational Issues

Revised 2008-03-07