2008-03-28 Life Highway


IAUA End Time Ministry

Preparing for the End of Time

The Lord is Coming!   Are you ready?

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Dear Brothers and Sisters in IAUA (ee-uh-oo-uh) our Father,

Greetings on this day of preparation for the weekly Sabbath. I pray that this newsletter finds you in good health and happy in the service of the Lord. This is the 20th day of the 1st month of God's Sacred Calendar in the year 6012 Anno Mundi.

Today at the evening of the 21st day of the 1st month is the second Unleavened Bread Sabbath (Sunset on Friday, March 28 on the 2008 Gregorian calendar). On this particular yearly Sabbath all those who keep the weekly Sabbath will be observing the yearly Sabbath in form, if not in the proper intent or spirit.

It is six weeks and two days until the evening of the 6th day of the 3rd month which is Pentecost Sabbath (Sunset on Sunday, May 11 on the 2008 Gregorian calendar). I pray that this may be the time for the special outpouring of the Holy Spirit in power and truth on the 144,000 to prepare the world for the final judgment.

May I tell you a story? You can call it a parable if you like.

I was driving down Life Highway and had just entered the state of Judgment. I stopped at one of those nice little rest areas. You know the ones; they are always seven miles apart. They have such nice fountains which are sources of cool refreshing water that you need to drink regularly. There are nice picnic areas where families gather in groups or singly to enjoy nutritious meals. With all the cars on the highway it is surprising that you don't see more people using these nice little rest areas. I never pass one by.

The rest areas also have those maps that you can reference to see where you have been and where you are going. You are always encouraged to take one which is guaranteed to be the most up to date and true. It is interesting that in spite of all the road construction you see, they are always the same and still accurate. I have never seen one change from what they have always said.

Climbing back into the car and heading out to the highway I spot a sign reading "Sides of the North, Exit Right Lane, 7 miles". I wondered to myself why the sign was in the rest area instead of out on the highway where everyone can see it. It probably doesn't matter because the way people drive so fast these days it is as if they pay no attention to the signs at all.

As I carefully merge back into the traffic I remember back when the speed limit was 45 miles an hour and the roads were so much friendlier then. You could pull off any time and visit or chat with other travelers. Then the speed limit was upped to 55 miles an hour and people seemed to have no time anymore. Then they made the roads limited access so that there was no stopping except at the few exits.

Right next to the nice little rest area was a big rest area announced with big billboards. Some of the billboards say "Come On In" and "Join the Crowd". Other billboards advertise "Free Coffee" and "Free Cola" for everyone. There is one announcing a big barbecue where you can "Eat All You Want for One Low Price". As I approach I notice that the smoke from the barbecue grills is thick and looks quite unhealthy. This rest area was loaded with cars but I drive right by.

The speed limit was upped to 65 miles an hour a while back. Most people don't pay any attention to the speed limit anyway. I drive about 65 but I stay in the right lane so that I don't get run over. There must be some kind of a disaster somewhere because the traffic on both sides of the freeway is all going the same direction. The people on the other side of the road are mostly driving sport cars and really driving crazy. Since all the signs are facing the other way I guess they figure they can do whatever they want.

Some people on this side of the road drive right across the median to get over on the other side to join in all the fast driving. There are a lot of nasty pileups over there with twisted cars and broken bodies. There are some accidents on this side too because of all the speeding and lane changing drivers. Even in the slow lane on the right side it can be dangerous so you have to be careful.

There is a big sign over the highway which reads "I-66, City of Angels, All Lanes". We are heading west down the side of the mountain into the setting sun so it makes it hard to see what is up ahead. I have noticed that the road is curving to the south and if you look in that direction you can see a huge city covered with this murky smog. I wonder what kind of angel would live in that city.

There appear to be tall leaping flames in the distance, but when I have mentioned this to fellow travelers, they say it is just the sun reflecting off the side of the tall glass towers in the great city. It looks like flames to me but I have learned that it is no good to argue with people who have made their minds up.

Another big sign overhead says "I-666 Bypass, Express Lanes, Keep Left". A lot of the traffic is trying to make it into the express lanes leaving the right lane almost empty. Everybody is in such a big hurry to get to their final destination.

I start to slow down because I am looking for that exit to "Sides of the North". There is a big sign on the left hand side of the road which says "Exit Closed, No Longer Used". I am shocked and I glance at the map. There is a notation on the map by the exit which says something about the blind leading the blind.

Before I finish reading the note on the map, I see a little blue sign on the right side of the road that says "Highway 7, Exit Right". I am relieved as I turn right onto the little road that is curving north and heading back up the mountain. I notice that the few cars which turn off the freeway on this exit are all blue just like my car.

The sky turns black and stormy as I turn off at the exit. I can see great flashes of lightning and there is some very loud thunder which is frightening at first but soon a strange sense of calm comes over me. The dark of night settles as the road continues curving right until it is heading east.

The night is long and I am getting quite weary but the dawn is just beginning. Soon the Sun of Righteousness will rise. I am so looking forward to the morning.

Will you miss the exit as you travel Life Highway?

I pray that we may all continue to seek love, peace, and unity in truth preparing for the soon coming of IAUShUO (ee-uh-oo-shoo-oh) Messiah, the Son of God.

Shabbat Shalom,

Frank T. Clark

Next: 2008-04-04 Prophetic Emphasis

Revised 2008-04-04