2008-08-01 Tradition Apology


IAUA End Time Ministry

Preparing for the End of Time

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Dear Brothers and Sisters in IAUA (ee-uh-oo-uh) our Father,

Greetings on this day of preparation for the weekly Sabbath. I pray that this newsletter finds you in good health and happy in the service of the Lord. This is the 29nd day of the 5th month of God's Sacred Calendar in the year 6012 Anno Mundi.

It is four weeks and two days until The Fall Sabbaths begin with the evening of the 1st day of the 7th month which is Trumpets Sabbath (Sunset on Sunday, August 31 on the 2008 Gregorian calendar). It is interesting to note that Monday September 1 is Labor Day which means almost everyone (in the US) will be partially and unintentionally observing Trumpets Sabbath by not working.


I am again very busy at my next publishing project. I am going to publish a book of calendars patterned by God's Sacred Calendar. Not to be found soon in a bookstore near you...

The discussion about Jewish tradition continues and a comment about a perceived spirit of condemnation required a serious response. I received an email which I have partially quoted.


This is in reference to a seeming attempt to cast cold water on what to some seems to be commandments of men (possibly?). I speak of (among other things) the use of laying tefillin, the practice of wearing head coverings, etc. Some are traceable but do not seem to be commands. Others seem to be practiced for centuries and accepted by the Messiah when He was here among us. To summarize - - the question is not one of baptism, rather of suggesting we not throw out those things that seem to fall into the perview of possibly being tradition, therefore not worthy of practice or even of consideration.

It is my contention that we, each of us, needs to be very careful to not throw out some items while holding fast to others - - especially if we are in a mode of teaching or publishing. What I hold dear today - - I was oblivious to just a year ago. Might it be the same for all of us. Are we not all in a learning mode - - not desiring to detract from any blessing that the Master has in store for us or for fellow seekers after truth.

"Study to show ourselves approved" is paramount in my thinking. And to "study", I would add "Practice"! I would also add that to walk as He (Yeshua) walked is also important - - especially if it seems that if it isn't in Torah! I would ask specifically, "Is it is fair to toss it - - whether Yeshua did it or not - - if we think it might be "tradition". He was perfect in all that He did! Might I strive to be the same (though failing miserably)?

And to add to this might I also add to be careful during discussions, teaching sessions, publishing, (etc.) to leave out those portions that are dear to some but not to us personally at any given moment in time. The Holy Spirit does not seem to dump information on us all at once - - He feeds us as we are able to absorb his teaching, instructions, and understandings. Can I be given freedom in this area? I hope so! At my age, I find myself a bit slow in many areas of understanding. Yet, I do still wrankle when it is suggested by a fellow "creature of God's" suggests that something that benefits me and my understanding is not important - - at least not as important as other items seem to be to the speaker/teacher/writer.

Frank, do not dismay! I, in my enthusiasm, have not always followed what I now see as a better approach - - to share what I know and can show from scripture - - and leave those items with which I am less familiar for future study and learning - - understanding - - if you will - - taught by the Holy Spirit - - and as often as possible - - from the Torah or at least from the later Ketuvim..

With this I leave each of you to ponder - - and to comment if you choose! I'm a consumate addict to God's will for my life - - and this includes what I share, what I do (works), in what areas I study from day to day. etc. God has given me His Instructions (His Torah) for my benefit - - not for His. I do see it incumbent, however, to attempt to please Him by my obedience to His way of doing whatever I do. I am saved by his death and subsequent resurrection - - by His favor which I do not deserve but which I accept as it is held out for/to me to accept or reject. Praise to the God who made us and has not left us without instruction, a teacher, a Savior, and a Redeemer.


My immediate response:


Please let me apologize profusely for ever giving the impression that I condemn you or anyone else for practicing Jewish traditions. I never intended that my understanding, belief, teaching, and practice is a standard to be followed or a condemnation of anyone else choosing to do something different. Each individual is responsible for following their best understanding of the Bible.

It is my desire to do what God calls me to do. It is also my desire to avoid anything that distracts from that calling. The Bible is clear to me about those things that I am to teach to lead others to the Messiah and to help them to understand the Bible.

I have studied many disputes about practice and belief for many years. I have specifically studied Jewish traditions for the last five years. My understanding is that the Word of God does not direct me to teach the practice of any traditions.

I am also concerned about the practice of traditions because I have seen many people who are more caught up in the practice of traditions than they are in following the explicit commands of God.

The subject of what is or is not a tradition is the result of personal study by each individual as they are led by the Holy Spirit. I pray that I can be able to express my opinion and understanding without sounding like I am criticizing someone who has a different understanding. God is still working on me to be more loving and considerate.


Is your study, belief, practice, and teaching of tradition, whether Jewish, Catholic or Adventist, secondary to your study, belief, practice, and teaching of the Word of God?

I pray that we may all continue to seek love, peace, and unity in truth preparing for the soon coming of IAUShUO (ee-uh-oo-shoo-oh) Messiah, the Son of God.

Frank T. Clark

Next: 2008-08-22 Fear Not

Revised 2008-08-22