2009-06-18 Two Witnesses II


IAUA End Time Ministry

Preparing for the End of Time

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Dear Brothers and Sisters in IAUA (ee-uh-oo-uh) our Father,

Wow! This topic has generated more responses than I have received in a long time. Please allow me to share with you a couple more discussions. There have been many others which I have not shared. These share the more unique thoughts. Keep in mind that I communicate with a wide range of people who are not all Adventists. I have retained the name of this individual who appears to be directly addressing all the newsletter readers.



If we are refering to the two witness in Revelation, this could not possibly refer to the Old and New Testaments, as the Scripture is clear that the witnesses are human, that they will stand in Jerusalem preaching against the Antichrist and his kingdom, that they will inflict plagues on those who try to harm them, that they will be murdered by the Antichrist, and that they will rise from the dead after three days and ascend bodily into heaven in the sight of the world. I'm sorry, and I mean no disrespect to anyone, but how anyone could possibly apply this as symbol of the Old and New Testaments and not real human beings is far beyond me, and my spirit recoils against such an idea.

Rev. Jim Cunningham
King James Bible Ministries


I responded:

Dear Brother Jim,

I recognize there are many who do not recognize that Revelation often uses a lot of symbolism rather than literal meaning. Certain groups have taken parts of Revelation and made doctrines out of literal interpretations. My question to these groups is why they will only talk about part of Revelation and not all of it. Much of Revelation cannot be taken literally unless you believe there are magical beasts that are walking around on earth with a woman in scarlet riding on its back. I believe that much of Revelation is symbolic including Revelation chapter 11. I do not deny there may be some literal aspects because I have learned that the sophisticated and complex messages which God gives us contain patterns and layers far beyond our understanding. We will understand only what He reveals to us. I believe more will be understood by the influence of the Holy Spirit as we progress further into end time events. I also believe there may be parts we will not understand until fully revealed in heaven.


Another individual with some additional thoughts. I have removed the name to preserve anonymity because the the thoughts were addressed directly to me and I did not determine whether I needed to protect their privacy.


This topic, Frank, brings to mind Deuteronomy 30:19. Here we see haShem, Himself, speaking of 2 witnesses which are named - - Heaven & Earth. These witnesses are witnesses to a commandment which we would do well to remember - - to choose life! This seems to be speaking of "Eternal Life" as the choice to make as He is already speaking to those who are breathing - - are alive in human terms.



I responded:

I agree this is another witness. Actually these are the words of Moses:

Deuteronomy 30:19 I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:



Moses IS speaking directly - - speaking the message given to him by Elohim (the Lord), it seems to me if I read the previous couple of chapters, the messages Elohim have to Moses to give to the Children of Israel. Yes, it was Moses speaking the messages God gave to him to pass along to them and to us. It is as if Elohim is speaking but He is doing it through Moses. Note that there are two witnesses - - heaven and earth.


We must always remember to respect each others thoughts even if we do not agree.

Are you able to discuss conflicting views without conflict?

I pray we may all continue to seek love, peace, and unity in truth preparing for the soon coming of IAUShUO (ee-uh-oo-shoo-oh) Messiah, the Son of God.

Frank T. Clark

Next: 2009-06-19 Honesty

Revised 2009-06-19