2010-03-17 Equinox ?


IAUA End Time Ministry

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Dear Brothers and Sisters in IAUA (ee-ah-oo-ah) our Father,

The next newsletter will also be addressing the topic of the spring equinox further. This is highly appropriate since the equinox is next week. A reader has submitted a question.


On Wed, Mar 17, 2010 at 04:14, < > wrote:

I know the spring equinox is the beginning of the year. What significance does the fall equinox have? I know pagan religions have a thing about spring and fall. I know the devil has substitutes for all God's things.


I replied:

The spring equinox is the signal for the beginning of the year but it is not the beginning itself. The signal is for the following 15th day of the month (Leviticus 23:4-7) which is the first yearly Sabbath. I consider the first yearly Sabbath to be the "beginning" of the "year" but many consider the year begins with the first day of the month because they are conditioned by the Gregorian Calendar concept of New Year's Day.

The first day of the month can be before the equinox except for those who believe the Millerites had detailed knowledge of God's Calendar. The Millerites believed the first day of the first month was to be after the equinox even when it put the yearly Sabbath a month late. This practice was adopted by some Adventists insofar as they observed God's Calendar at all.

There are major Torah observant groups which follow the Millerite determination. There are also major groups which follow the determination I have described. There are also those who follow the Abib and those who follow the Jewish formula. It is sad there is so much confusion. I expect the Third Elijah prophet to clarify these things. I also note in the years 2011 and 2012 it is amazing that all determinations will be agree on the same day. I am suspicious this has a significant meaning.

The fall equinox is just a symmetrical twin and has no particular significance, though the fall Sabbaths do occur about that time. It is similar to sunset signaling the start of a new day and sunrise is its symmetrical twin.

You are absolutely correct the devil has counterfeits for everything God ordains. Most errors and apostasies are close to what God says or derived from truth but with twists and misrepresentations. Pagan religions revere the actual day of the equinox which God's Calendar does not. It is only a signal on God's Calendar and not a day of reverence.

Be at peace,

Frank T. Clark - When the Spirit of truth is come, he will guide you into all truth and he will show you things to come. John 16:13 (paraphrased)

Next: 2010-03-18 Equinox ? II

Revised 2010-03-19