2010-04-30 Sacred Year Discrepancy


IAUA End Time Ministry

Preparing for the End of Time

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Dear Brothers and Sisters in IAUA (ee-ah-oo-ah) our Father,

Greetings on this day of preparation for the weekly Sabbath. I pray this newsletter finds you in good health and happy in the service of IAUA. This is the 15th day of the 2nd month of God's Sacred Calendar in the estimated year 6014 Anno Mundi.

It is 2 weeks and 6 days until Pentecost Sabbath on the evening of the 6th day of the 3rd month (Thursday, May 20 on the 2010 Gregorian Calendar, beginning sunset on Wednesday, May 19th).

This year, those who follow the Millerite Calendar determination will be one month later than my research has determined for the Gregorian Calendar dates of God's Sacred Calendar. The dates on the Jewish Calendar are one day earlier in the spring and one day early in the fall.


A newsletter reader asks:

I was interested in your ideas about the new moon. You are suggesting that the Conjunction system is the system used to determine the new month and thus Yahweh's holy days.

Are you saying that this is how it has been since the beginning of earthly time until today? or are you implying that there have been several alterations in the new moon determination due to the advancement of astronomical knowledge over the years and the conjunction system is the best means to determine the new month.


I responded:

I believe there was always a precise determination intended which is possible using the methods I describe. Even the SDA Bible Commentary documents Abraham was widely known as an accomplished astronomer. I believe this was necessary for him to observe the holy days.

I believe approximations were sometimes used with nearly identical results. The visual sighting, just after sunset, of the first sliver after the new moon can be scientifically shown to have been reasonably accurate under appropriate conditions in Jerusalem.

I believe God respects the best efforts of those honestly trying to follow His truth. Even the formula used for the modern Jewish Calendar is somewhat accurate.

I believe the zeal of our devotion is demonstrated when we work to determine the most accurate methods we can find. God honors our diligent efforts.


The question continues:

I am not sure I am understanding your answer. Are you saying that the Conjunction system was the system that Adam down to Abraham used to determine the sacred days? Was this the same system that was used to calculate the time of the Passover of Exodus? Was this the same system to determine the time of the Passover at the time of the Crucifixion?

I am wondering if you see the determination was followed consistently under the conjunction system.


My response:

I believe the signal of the new moon (conjunction) which is sometimes a solar eclipse is the signal for the start of the new month at the next world day. I believe God has one perfect definition and He does not change. Adam, Abraham, Exodus, and Crucifixion all the same system. I do not claim the definition was accurately and consistently followed by all those intending to obey God's plan.

I know this is a bold statement but God does not create doubt, confusion, and indecision. Conjunction is the biggest, clearest, simplest, and most obvious signal for the entire world. I do not believe God planned a signal with variability and influenced by local conditions suitable only for some people in a limited geographical area. Call me crazy, but my God is infinitely greater than that.


The question continues:

Thank you for clarifying your explanation,

If this is the case, would the Passover dates that listed occur fourteen days after the Conjunction (I have also heard it called scientific) new moon?


I responded:

It depends on the time of day Conjunction occurs. There is also a slight discrepancy because the Gregorian day begins at midnight and the sacred day begins at sunset. Precise and detailed understanding of the calendar and astronomy is a deep subject which requires many hours of careful study. I understand and sympathize with your questions because I have studied this for a long time and still have to stop and think for a minute and sometimes make a mistaken statement.


Preparation for the previous newsletter and discussions about the Sacred Calendar with newsletter readers have uncovered a discrepancy in my description of the determination for the first month of the Sacred Year. I have often told you, I am not afraid or ashamed to admit when I make a mistake.

In the previous newsletter (http://iaua.name/Archives/2010-04-23.html) I correctly stated:

"The spring equinox is the yearly signal which needs to come before the first yearly Sabbath world day which begins at sunrise on the 14th day of the month."

In the books and on the website I have made slightly different and imprecise statements such as:

"Passover is the first 14th day (full moon) of a month which contains or is immediately after the spring equinox."

All statements in the next revision of the books and on the website have been revised with this clearer and more precise statement:

"The day of Passover Eve is the first 14th day (full moon) of a month where the sun rises at Golgotha (Jerusalem) after the spring equinox."

The error is in describing or implying the sunset at Golgotha in Jerusalem ending Passover Eve is the event which is after the signal of the equinox. A close and careful examination verifies it is sunrise at Golgotha in Jerusalem on the day of Passover Eve which is the event to follow the signal of the equinox. This is a discrepancy of about twelve hours.

It will be rare when this discrepancy matters. Only once in about 30 to 60 years would the equinox come so closely to Passover Eve for this distinction to matter. It is vitally necessary to be precise. There are no changes caused by this correction to any previously stated calendar determinations.

It is rare for any ministry to be so open as to clearly specify the exact method they use for calendar determination. Many ministries do not even bother to be certain about calendar determination. They just adopt the widely accepted Jewish Calendar without even studying to determine (or simply ignoring), if it is correct. Others simply follow the calendar specified by some other popular group.

II Timothy 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

I have studied and I continue to study intensively to increase my understanding and follow the will of God as the Spirit leads. I am continually working to improve the accuracy, understandability, sentence structure, and grammar of my presentation in email conversations, the website, and the books.

It may be helpful to remind you the term Passover actually refers to the entire week of Unleavened Bread. It is more precise to refer to the 14th day of the first month as Passover Eve. This designation is factual and actually matches what is found on the typical Jewish Calendar. The following link shows a typical website display of the Jewish Calendar for March 2010.


On the preceding calendar you will note the 14th is labelled Erev Pesach which means Passover Eve. The following days of Passover are numbered Pesach I, Pesach, II and so on.

Additional information verifying Passover is the weeklong observance can be found at this website.


The reason for using sunrise of the day preceding the yearly Sabbath is detailed in the previous newsletter (http://iaua.name/Archives/2010-04-23.html) which describes the difference between the local day and the world day. These complex issues can be ignored by those who only look at their own local conditions. Those who work with individuals all over the world and are willing to discuss difficult questions need a deeper understanding.

Does your love for God fill you with the zeal to earnestly seek every detail of His truth and to follow even when you must admit you were wrong?

I pray we may all continue to seek love, peace, and unity in truth preparing for the soon coming of IAUShUO (ee-ah-oo-shoo-oh) Messiah, the Son of God.

Frank T. Clark

Next: 2010-05-07 Trinity Revisited

Revised 2010-05-07