Leviticus and the Gospel III


IAUA End Time Ministry

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Dear Brothers and Sisters in IAUA (ee-ah-oo-ah) our Father,


Another response from a newsletter reader:


[Bcc'd to others]

Shalom Frank,

A great back-and-forth with yourself and this SDA brother.

Too bad he is content to arrive at an impasse with you having no further impetus to consider the gross error of his typical, anti-Torah answers.

As far the letter of the Law, you nailed that quite well: If we uphold the heart-piercing intent of the Torah taught by the Mashiach (such as not being wrongly angry with our brother), then there is no way we will ever come close to violating the letter and actually carry out such a murder. This is the clear intent and context of what is taught in the Sermon on the Mount. The same with adultery: if we refuse to have illicit thoughts in the heart towards women, we will never come close to the act of committing adultery.

The man also fails to see how the apostles taught Gentile converts directly from Leviticus via the gathering of leadership seen in Acts 15: Nearly every directive they give there to the Gentiles is Levitical!

Why would any New Covenant believer want to reject anything in the priestly book of Leviticus which is proper to uphold since we are called to be a royal priesthood. 1Peter 2:9 Most people never make this simple connection. And alas, those who reject His Law will be rejected from inheriting splendor in the Melchi-tzedek Priesthood, even as YHWH has warned. Hosea 4:6

Not knowing or seeing this, even sincere and well-meaning men speak in ignorance and without the fear of YHWH.

Further, Satan has also successfully used reverse psychology on so many in these times even among those who do advocate upholding the Torah in their daily walk: Out of fear of being labeled a "legalist," many souls wind up violating Shabbat or compromising the Torah in some other fashion.

Appreciate you sharing your correspondence, Frank, and pray all will be instructed.

Have a blessed Shabbat,


PS. Since your back-and-forth with this man was in regard to the Feasts (great info on Polycarp not engaging in any of the pagan festivals!), I am attaching the latest version of a tract that shows the Feast Days/Moedim were binding on all New Covenant believers (including Gentile converts!) in the first century. Perhaps you will consider sharing it with him?



A good tract but I won't be passing it on to him because I do not push information on people who have demonstrated they are not interested. If you have a website address for accessing the tract attachment, I would be glad to publicize it or I can put it on my website.

Be at peace,

Frank T. Clark - When the Spirit of truth is come, he will guide you into all truth.... and he will show you things to come. John 16:13 (paraphrased)


The tract is available at:


Do you understand the unfolding Present Truth?

I pray we may all continue to seek love, peace, and unity in truth preparing for the soon coming of IAUShUO (ee-ah-oo-shoo-oh) Messiah, the Son of God.

Frank T. Clark

Next: 2011-11-18 Mount Muodim

Revised 2011-11-18