2014-10-03 Aviv II


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Dear Brothers and Sisters in IAUA (ee-ah-oo-ah) our Father,

Greetings on this day of preparation for the weekly Sabbath. I pray this newsletter finds you in good health and happy in the service of IAUA. This is the 8th day of the 7th month of God's Sacred Calendar in the estimated year 6018 Anno Mundi.

Atonement Sabbath begins in two days on the evening of the 10st day of the 7th month (Sunday, October 5th on the 2014, Gregorian Calendar, at sunset on Saturday, October 4th).

The Sacred month begins on the world day after lunar conjunction and the sacred year begins with the Spring Passover Rule dates for determining the Gregorian Calendar dates of God's Sacred Calendar. The Millerite Calendar (Spring New Moon Rule) is the same this year. The Calculated Rabbinical Calendar is one day early in the fall.

The calendar determination discussion continues on the Messianic Judaism forum. The forum moderator continues to deny what the Bible says while others are learning.

The discussion is heavily edited for brevity and focus. The original can be found at:

God's Sacred Calendar

Post by jimmie

Then the first month is part in the old year and part in the new year?

Post by Frank T. Clark

You can describe it that way for some months. This view is unacceptable to some and leads to the Spring New Moon Rule.

I believe the evidence shows that God's Sacred Calendar identifies the month in which the year begins but because the monthly cycle is not exactly aligned with the yearly cycle, there is confusion. The yearly cycle begins at sundown with Passover/Unleavened Bread Sabbath and ends before the next Passover at sundown. Since Passover/Unleavened Bread Sabbath is in the middle of the month, the shifting overlap of the monthly and yearly cycles cause the first day of some first months to be before the equinox.

The drift in the Hillel formula currently has the first day of some first months before the equinox confirming the Spring Passover Rule and some after partly confirming the Spring New Moon Rule. Eventually (another thousand years), the Hillel formula drift will cause all first days of the first months to be after the equinox. This is probably what triggers the reaction of those who follow the Aviv looking for a more stable determination.

It is interesting to note that all the years I have checked with those who adhere to the Aviv match the Spring Passover Rule. You have to decide whether you accept that God says the Sun is the signal or the barley is the signal. They clearly coincide but which is the signal God specifies?

Gen 1:14 (Youngs Literal Translation) And God saith, `Let luminaries be in the expanse of the heavens, to make a separation between the day and the night, then they have been for signs, and for MUODIM, and for days and years,

Post by alon

And so I now know how you feel when you cannot teach! :-X

I will say that the aviv method does away with all those pesky problems with the equinox and drift. And while I cannot teach, neither can you just arbitrarily say that is all God said on the subject, nor for that matter how we are to use what was said! But in the end we none of us can be 100% sure; and if we are we probably are accepting a lot of arbitrary standards set by men.

Post by jimmie


The idea of the year beginning in the middle of the month is no less acceptable than the first day of the month falling in the middle of the week. The seven day cycle dose not fit into a natural month and natural monthly cycles don’t fit into a natural year. However, it’s still not clear to me why the first day of the year is on the first day of Unleavened bread. Is it the possibility of a lunar eclipse to accompany the event? The first day of the month could produce a solar eclipse so why wouldn’t that be selected. The equinox itself is also a possibility, though it is pretty hard to determine.


Post by alon

The first of the month is the siting of the first sliver of the new moon.

Lev 6:4 "These are the appointed feasts of the LORD, the holy convocations, which you shall proclaim at the time appointed for them 5 In the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month at twilight, is the LORD's Passover. 6 And on the fifteenth day of the same month is the Feast of Unleavened Bread to the LORD; for seven days you shall eat unleavened bread.

While a Jewish New Year (there are 4) CAN start on a day other than the first of the month, this one apparently does not. The Spring feasts start on the 14th at twilight. I can't say what the aviv barley has to do with anything here, but I can say all the manipulations to change God's plan and decree heavenly signs He did not dictate to set the religious calendar are wrong. So whee is the scripture dictating that the vernal equinox determines Passover and Unleavened Bread? And these set the dates for all other feasts, so this is very important to nail down.

Dan C

Post by Questor

Frank, going back to timing issue about the point on the earth opposite Jerusalem on the globe as the start of the day, would you be meaning that, instead of Greenwich Time, we should be thinking Jerusalem time, and that, as Jerusalem time is two hours earlier than Greenwich time, the international date line in the middle of the Atlantic should be moved two hours eastward of where it is now in relation to Greenwich time? If so, how would that two hour difference affect how things are perceived in Jerusalem?

Post by Frank T. Clark

This is a very good observation Jimmy.

As I said, it depends on how you choose to define the first day of the year. I refer to the first day of the year as the first Sabbath of Unleavened Bread because of its proximity to the equinox. Equinox is the signal and a corrected Hillel Calendar shows the first Sabbath of Unleavened Bread as being the next 15th of a month after the equinox. My definition allows a celebration like New Year's Day on a day God has commanded. I believe all the pagan holidays are based on God's Holy Days but choosing the wrong day. It is the same with Sunday being based on Sabbath but on the wrong day.

The equinox is fairly easy to determine with a reasonable degree of accuracy. If you are interested in a lesson in practical astronomy, I can describe the method.

Questor, EXACTLY! "Jerusalem" time has no particular affect in how things are perceived in Jerusalem except for a precise determination of the calendar.

Alon, Aviv is only in line with the Bible when you ignore the specific guidance of Genesis 1:14 and the general guidance of the rest of the Bible (New moon, turn of the year).

There has been no correction to match astronomical information to the Hillel Calendar for over a thousand years and there is no correction ever planned. Blindly following a formula instead of following Genesis 1:14 is not following the Word of God. You can substitute following Aviv as a type of correction but it is still not following Genesis 1:14. It is nice to agree on something everybody agrees on but it is not following God.

Are you going to follow what God says or what somebody else says?

Post by alon

And who chose the equinox as the sign? It isn't in scripture. Your method relies as much or more on man made rules than all the others. Elohim set the beginnings of the months by the new moon. He didn't set anything by the equinox, unless you have scripture that backs this claim up. So after all is said and done, you just end up with man's reasoning and making rules to determine your calendar. Argue for your method if you like, but don't present it as the Word of God because you have not shown this!

Dan C

Post by Frank T. Clark

It is there, if you choose to accept it. The very same verses you use to prove the Aviv also apply to identifying the equinox when you accept that scripture specifies astronomical signals not harvests.

Post by jimmie

I would welcome the lesson in practical astronomy.

Post by alon

You chastise me for accepting the arbitrary rules of men, then you ask me to accept on faith that you, a man, have the word of God on this subject where there is no Word! You cannot back up your method with scripture. So I appreciate your sharing your method, however I think I'll stick to what is said in the SoF here:

Any two of aviv barley, ripening fruit, or lateness of season being the proper manner of determining the calendar.

And I'll stick with the Hilel calendar so as to be in synch with the majority of the rest of Judaism (including Messianism) until the Temple is rebuilt and the Sanhedrin reseated. They are the only ones who have the authority to determine the new moons and the calendar anyhow. Dan C

Post by Frank T. Clark

The simple method for determining the equinox lies in the basis of all practical astronomical observations. Practical astronomy is fascinating.

The first requirement is to commit a lot of time and effort to observation. You need a carefully prepared observation point in a raised area with a clear line of sight to the horizon. The first preparation step is to mark a north-south line. This is readily done at night by observing the area in the sky that is in the center of the nightly rotation of the stars. The North Star is very close to this point and sufficient for a reasonable approximation.

Next you mark an east-west line by simple right angle geometry known as far back as the Egyptians. In modern description it is called the 3,4,5 rule derived from the Pythagorean theorem. The ideal observation point has four poles at the four compass points.

Each day at sunrise or sunset you mark (or simply note) the angle of a shadow from the sun. When the angle is closest to east-west, it is equinox. With careful observation, this is accurate to within less than a day. This is also the basis for a sundial which adds a pole braced at an angle pointing to the North Star.

It brings a wry smile to my face to see people attempt to use sundials where the manufacturers averaged angle does not exactly match the latitude of its installation. It is sad to see a sundial installed where the angle is not even pointing north. These are clearly only for decoration without even a pretense of practical use. None of this requires any special tools, knowledge, or calculations beyond the principles of practical astronomy.

I didn't provide all the details but they are readily determined by careful thought. The same thing applies to understanding the Bible. Think things through for yourself and verify what someone says by examining the facts of what the Bible says. When you see the truth in the Bible and it contradicts the treasured opinions of others be prepared to be told it is just your opinion.

Long term newsletter readers know how often this subject has been discussed and the difficulty of understanding and reaching agreement.

Do you make an honest attempt to understand God's plan?

I pray we may all continue to seek love, peace, and unity in truth preparing for the soon coming of IAUShUO (ee-ah-oo-shoo-oh) Messiah, the Son of God.

Frank T. Clark

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Revised 2014-10-03