2014-10-31 What is Truth? II


IAUA End Time Ministry

Preparing for the End of Time

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Dear Brothers and Sisters in IAUA (ee-ah-oo-ah) our Father,

Greetings on this day of preparation for the weekly Sabbath. I pray this newsletter finds you in good health and happy in the service of IAUA. This is the 7th day of the 8th month of God's Sacred Calendar in the estimated year 6018 Anno Mundi.

The Spring Sabbaths begin in about 4 months with the first yearly Sabbath of Unleavened Bread, the 15th day of the 1st month (Sunday, April 5th on the 2015, Gregorian Calendar, at sunset Saturday, April 4th).

The Sacred month begins on the world day after lunar conjunction and the sacred year begins with the Spring Passover Rule dates for determining the Gregorian Calendar dates of God's Sacred Calendar. The Millerite Calendar (Spring New Moon Rule) is the same this year. The Calculated Rabbinical Calendar is one day early.

I had an email exchange with a new website visitor. I was reminded of my observations in the 2009-12-18 newsletter "What is Truth?" The exchange is heavily edited for brevity and focus.

They wrote:

Good morning. I'm interested in studying your Jubilee Calender.

Does the Jubilee year also account for the first year of the next 7 years?

Does the Jubilee year overlap year one? According to Jonathan Cahn, it does and is there proof from the bible one way or the other???

I responded:

Thank you for writing. I am glad to hear from you. I am happy to share my understanding of the Bible from my studies.

I believe because the Bible describes the seven year cycle first and separately, it indicates the seven year cycle continues without interruption. Therefore, the fiftieth year overlaps the first year of the next cycle and it is only 49 years to the next Jubilee. This is simple evidence but not "proof" in the modern mindset. I believe a simple interpretation of God's word is the most appropriate.

They wrote:

Thanks for responding. I've been studying the bible for the past 35ish years and just now, in the last several years, many things are beginning (stress beginning) to fall into place. Several years ago, my thoughts led me to those "70 years" that Israel was in captivity. That number is sooooooooo ingrained (7,70 and any combination of) in all that YAHWEH does. Do you agree? And do you know anything about the/a Shemitah year? Could you guess as to whether this -2014/2015- is the 7th year? Wouldn't that make -2015/2016- the Jubilee year?

Getting back to my thoughts: If YAHWEH cuts the time short, which HE said HE'D have to do, I think we may go no further than 2017/2018 and only go thru "half" of the last 7 years "now" and just before the end of the millennium, HE will finish up the last half?!?! Crazy right? And then again maybe not?? Anyway, I'd like to keep in touch if that's ok with you and your schedule?

I responded:

I have investigated the Jubilee and Sabbath year (Shemitah) as described in my book:


There is some evidence that 2015 is a Sabbath year but some evidence points to it being a mid-Jubilee year.

I would be happy to continue discussions with you. However, I am not one to be heavily involved in setting dates or looking for dates. I am particularly not impressed by the words of those who are wrapped up in traditions and not following simple truth. I am one who is seeking "new light". I have carefully considered Isaiah 8:20 To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.

Why would I listen to someone who has "no light"? I do not follow Messianic/Judaism because it is loaded with traditions and errors. I do not follow the words of "Rabbis". I certainly do not follow the words of someone who doesn't follow all the Law of God. I explained my thoughts and studies on this subject in a newsletter.


They wrote:

I appreciate all the effort you've put into the making/charting of the Sabbath/Jubilee years. Thank you.

I, as well, do not go along with the "setting of dates" as it might have looked to you. I do however, try to see ahead, seasons if you like, to try and discern the times we live in and to be watchful. And as far as traditions go, as with things in life, some, though not many, ** if ** they teach something of value, are good. Most are/have become money making propositions/opportunities.

You speak of new light. That's good. The lamp unto my feet guides my efforts and that's only when I don't get in it's way.

As I said Frank, the Bible/YAHWEH is my guide, not religion, no matter how good that religion looks! For 10 years I belonged to The Worldwide Church of God, Herbert W. Armstrong's organization. I don't know if you've ever heard of that church? YAHWEH brought me thru it and out the other side *SO THAT* I would NEVER again go down that path of mans religion. It was the worst of times but also the best of times. I opened the Bible but my mistake was that I saw/read what they said to see. And, like Paul, I had the accent on that organizations understanding, not Gods'. That ain't ever happin again!!!! (lol)

Not too many people have any interest in the Bible or even want to know what's about to happen. Nor are they interested. That's ok. We're all on different rungs of the same latter. All of life is a process. Wouldn't you agree? According to the little bit of reading I've done since I found your site, you seem to believe in the Trinity? Is that correct?

I responded:

My comment about "setting dates" was triggered by a presentation I watched about Shemitah. I was not familiar with the term. I had just received an email from Ron Buhler on the topic. Then with your email, I thought I should learn about this. The rabbi I saw did not impress me at all in a religious sense. I sensed only sensational alarmism and date setting.


I use the word religion in the general sense. I make a distinction between organizations and denominations as opposed to "Church", which is the people of God wherever they are.

I find in my studies that the Holy Spirit has led me to beware of getting too caught up with looking at what is going on in the world. I am focusing on what God is doing in the last days as prophesied in places such as Malachi 4:4, Revelation 14, 18 and others.

I am quite familiar with WWCG and its various splinters. I observed the yearly Sabbaths with them a few times but felt out of place. I associate with my familiar "Seventh-day Adventist" tradition and try to reach them with additional truth outside of the denominational box but I don't get very far. I understand exactly what you say about reading and seeing only what I was taught. About twelve years ago I was given a peek behind the curtain and began my journey of intense study.

I don't believe in the word "Trinity", which is a Catholic doctrine with its confusion. I do believe in the three persons of the Godhead, which my studies show to be Biblically correct.

I am pleased to hear you are reading my website. I hope you find information that is helpful to you.

They wrote:

Good to hear from you. That YouTube didn't impress me either. And I also had never heard of the term Shemitah until about a year ago from Cahn's book, The Harbinger. Whether I like him or not, to me is not the issue. I wanted to know if what he was/is saying is at all truthful. Some of it is and some of it may be. These Sabbath years, Jubilee years, High Holy days, etc are ALL for the nation of Israel. Especially the Sabbath and Holy Days. They, the Holy Days, etc, were given to them, Israel, so that they could recognize the plan (Him) of salvation when He, Yahshua, came along.

You use the word "familiar" below and I've come to know that one does not tend to grow when one is in their comfort zone. It's seems that God moves us out of there so that we are NOT on a comfortable footing. I don't particularly like that myself but then there's allot in life I don't like and that's good for me!

What did you find out 12 years ago, when you peeked behind the curtain? I'm sure it was disappointing to say the least. Maybe even shocking the lengths men go to so that the deed can be done?! Armstrong and his son, Garner Ted, talented as they were, were men who took advantage of people. Fear based ideology was their springboard for advancement in life.

I don't adhere to the 3 persons in the Godhead. Perhaps some day we could discuss this? It makes so much more logic/sense that the FATHER, who existed from eternity, had a plan all along to ransom HIS creation back to Himself by HIS Son. For this reason,Yahshua, had to be born, be a human being just like you and I, and pay the price for our sins, which was the shedding of His blood. This is just an aside of some of my thoughts: I cannot come down, one way or the other, if Miriam was Yahshua's biological mother or just a surrogate? The first Adam had no mother, just YAHWEH as his father and the same could be true about the second Adam. I just don't know. Anyway, hope I've not upset you. Have a good evening.

I responded:

I was using the term "like" in the sense of adhering to Biblical truth. My personal feelings have nothing to do with it.

When you say the "Sabbath years, Jubilee years, High Holy days, etc are ALL for the nation of Israel" I am puzzled by what you mean. All of God's Word is for all nations and has always been. The children of Israel were only selected as a special focus because their fathers followed God's plan the closest.

I obey all the law of Moses. Do you? I don't know what your understanding is of following all that God has specified as guidance for His people.

I was not using the word "familiar" in the sense of comfort! It is not comfortable to adhere to ALL of God's truth in any denomination where it is not all followed. I am often criticized and scorned but these are the people where God has placed me to witness.

I describe my spiritual journey in complete detail on my website:


Including my peek behind the curtain.

There is much Biblical evidence for the person of the Holy Spirit I have described on my website many times responding to those who deny Him.


I depend primarily on Biblical evidence because I am trained as a scientist and only secondarily on logic. I never depend on what makes "sense".

Proverbs 14:12 There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.

You do not upset me. We are discussing our different understanding. :-) I am very intense so I may seem stern but my diligence comes only from love for God put in my heart by the guiding of the Holy Spirit inspired by the sacrifice of my Savior.

They wrote:

I as well am sooooo intense. MY PASSION IS YHWH and I get in trouble sometimes because of that. I have to ** remember ** that people (and I'm NOT a great people person) are more important than knowledge. I hope I've said that correctly.

I responded:

I am not a great people person either because I am too "frank"... Email is an awkward communication tool compared to face to face, which is not always that easy either. I am pondering your statement "people are more important than knowledge". Deep.

They wrote:

If you are too Frank, trust me, I can be toooooooooo Michele! But forgive me cause I'm soooooooo passionate about wanting to share what I know or what I think I know and figure more stuff out!! Ok, down to business.

Let me give you my thoughts, which I believe to be correct (after WWCG, I ALWAYS leave the back door open just a smidge) on an overview of the Bible.

It is a Jewish/Israeli Book. It only mentions other peoples, nations as they come into contact with Israel. It was written to them, by them, for them (from YAHWEH) in the OT and then Paul picks up. To put it better, YAHWEH "begins" with Israel's program. Then takes them off the scene (70AD) -- interrupting Israel's program with Paul's calling (age of grace) to call out the ecclesia -- then, after the ecclesia is off the scene (gone to a place of safety, soon I think, somewhere on earth as Paul did) HE will go and finish up Israel's program. HE will then put into effect, (with the House of Israel and the House of Judah) the New Covenant HE spoke about in Jeremiah 31. The ecclesia is the spiritual part and Israel is the physical part of HIS Kingdom. HE will work thru HIS Son who will work thru Israel to bring salvation to the world. That's what Israel was supposed to do. Bring HIS Son (Yahshua/Yeshua means YAHWEH Saves) to all nations. Reconciling mankind back to Himself thru/by HIS Son. That's what Israel will begin doing shortly in the future.

Ok, here it comes -- I KNOW that YAHWEH is NOT working with the world at this point, except to say HE is in the **process** of bringing it, mans ways, his governments, his deeds, his thoughts, the whole rotten mess, from beginning to end, to a close. Of course, while HE is doing this, HE is readying HIS ecclesia (when the fullness of the gentiles comes in) to reign and rule with HIS Son. I do not believe the ecclesia will go thru the tribulation but Israel will! No, I don't want to be here and go thru the tribulation, you're right. I am looking to escape. No one in their right mind would NOT WANT to escape!!

While I was in WWCG, I did keep all the Holy Days and the Sabbaths and tithed first, second and third tithe, etc. I now know that I am not under the Mosaic Law. I am under the law of The Christ, which I might add is a bit harder!! You have to try and love people!! Animals, no problem. I think/know you'll ask me about the Sabbath, Saturday, the 7th day and I will tell you that just as Passover became/was fulfilled in, Yahshua, so was the 4th commandment. He is the Rest/Sabbath we are to remember! I'm now IN my Messiah, in my rest. He keeps the law with it's Spiritual intent and therefore, by extension, so do I. The letter kills but the Spirit gives life. The first 4 Holy Days have been fulfilled in/by Yahshua and so will the last 3 Holy Days that are coming.

I hope I haven't scared you off. I could go on and on but maybe, already, I've said toooooo much!?!?! Is this intense enough???????? :( I hope to hear from you again?

P.S. would you mind if I sent you my version of dates (agriculture, release and jubilee years) starting with 1916-1917 for your opinion/perusal?? Have a good evening.

I responded:

You haven't scared me off but we have a substantial disagreement. I will not even attempt to dispute with you on your understanding of what God desires for us. My study and understanding of what the Bible says is explained in detail on my website. I am certainly willing to answer any questions and explain any confusion about what I read and understand in the Bible. I have no desire to attempt to change your mind. That is the work of the Holy Spirit.

They wrote:

I understand, I really do. Anything new needs time. But do yourself a favor and look into these -assertions- that are new to you. Growth is never easy and it's hurts, I know.

I responded:

:-) I am already intimately familiar with your assertions. I have discussed them with many others and proven to my own satisfaction, from the Bible (Sola Scriptura et Omnis Scriptura), the truth. I continue to review and study for all truth but what you have shared is old news to me.

They wrote:

I again understand but there is no common ground for us to continue on. Maybe at some future point.

I responded:


I am reminded of the depth of meaning in Pilate's question:

John 18:37-38 Pilate therefore said unto him, Art thou a king then? Jesus answered, Thou sayest that I am a king. To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice.
:38 Pilate saith unto him, What is truth? And when he had said this, he went out again unto the Jews, and saith unto them, I find in him no fault at all.

He was standing before the answer. Our Savior had earlier said to His disciples.

John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

He also promised.

John 16:13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.

Do you struggle with the question of what is truth?

I pray we may all continue to seek love, peace, and unity in truth preparing for the soon coming of IAUShUO (ee-ah-oo-shoo-oh) Messiah, the Son of God.

Frank T. Clark

Next: 2014-11-07 Keys of the Kingdom

Revised 2014-11-07