2015-07-03 New Forum


IAUA End Time Ministry

Preparing for the End of Time

The Lord is Coming!  Are you ready?

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Dear Brothers and Sisters in IAUA (ee-ah-oo-ah) our Father,

Greetings on this day of preparation for the weekly Sabbath. I pray this newsletter finds you in good health and happy in the service of IAUA. This is the 16th day of the 4th month of God's Sacred Calendar in the estimated year 6019 Anno Mundi.

The Fall Sabbaths begin in about two months with Trumpets Sabbath on the 1st day of the 7th month (Tuesday, September 15th of the 2015, Gregorian Calendar, at sunset Monday, September 14th).

On God's Calendar the Sacred month begins on the world day after lunar conjunction and the sacred year begins with God's New Year's Day (Passover) after the spring equinox (Spring Passover Rule). The Millerite Calendar (Spring New Moon Rule) is the same this year. The Calculated Rabbinical Calendar is one day early.

I have been working on the new "IAUA End Time Ministry Discussion Forum" and I have decided to share some of the work I am doing. Some may be interested but not able to participate for some reason. I hope this project will encourage communication about 21st Century Present Truth. If you can, I would like you to participate and hear your comments and suggestions.


The discussion of the forum is divided into six categories. I have posted a beginning discussion topic in each.

Category 1: Introduction to the IAUA End Time Ministry Forum

This category of the forum is for discussion about the purposes of the forum including introducing yourself and testimony about personal religious struggles.

First Topic: Welcome to the forum!

This forum is devoted to discussions about following Bible truth. The information about my studies at the http://www.iaua.name website is the background for this forum. This forum promotes following all the Bible says without any excuses. I am a ThURA (Torah) Observant Seventh-day Adventist. I am not Jewish or Messianic though you may notice some similarities. I follow the Law of Moses, as God commands, but I do not follow any Jewish tradition.

Malachi 4:4 Remember the Law of Moses, my servant, which I commanded him at Horeb, for all Israel, statutes and judgments.

On this forum we will be discussing topics of religion and philosophy as introduced by the IAUA End Time Ministry website. The primary focus is on 21st Century Present Truth. My background and testimony about personal religious struggles is described at the http://www.iaua.name website.

This is a brand new forum that is still under development. You are asked to assist in this development and contribute to building the forum participation and content. Guests will notice they are only allowed to read the forum. You are required to register to participate. Newly registered persons will also notice that their comments do not appear immediately. These restrictions are necessary to avoid "drive-by shooters" who may leave comments that are not appropriate to the forum. Comments will be approved as soon as practical and restrictions will be lifted quickly.


When the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all truth... He will show you things to come. John 16:13 (FTCABE)

Category 2: Preparing for the End of Time

This is a general category for any discussion related to 21st Century Present Truth and Preparing for the End of Time including any issues with religion, denominations, and philosophy.

First Topic: How do I encourage people to recognize the end of time without alarmism?

How do I encourage people to recognize the nearness of the end of time without sounding like an alarmist? There is reason to be alarmed by what is happening in the world but it is not appropriate to sound like Chicken Little constantly saying, "The sky is falling!" I have seen many people who are constantly and breathlessly exclaiming about every tiny new or repeated development in the march to final events. Some go so far that they become like a "conspiracy theory radical". We do need to be aware of steps in the approaching final events but I believe we need to maintain a reasonable sanity.

It is true we can attract a large crowd with hellfire and brimstone style presentations but most of the people we attract are as off balance as we appear to most other people. The truth can be presented without resorting to inflaming passion and excitement beyond reason. I recognize that there are many different styles and God works through many different methods. I believe God has called me to present truth in a calm and reasonable manner.

There is an urgency and shocking things are coming. How do we awaken a reasonable sense of urgency that will lead to action?


When the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all truth... He will show you things to come. John 16:13 (FTCABE)

Category 3: God's Sacred Calendar

Discussion specific to the issues related to the understanding, purpose, and observing God's Sacred Calendar.

First Topic: The Sacred Calendar versus the pagan, Babylonian, Catholic, Gregorian Calendar.

My study of the Bible has made it clear to me that there is a deeper meaning to this verse than most people recognize or acknowledge.

Daniel 7:25 And he shall speak [great] words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time. (KJV)

The typical focus of most seventh-day Sabbath believers is that "change times and laws" is only talking about the change of the seventh-day Sabbath observance to the first-day Sunday. Those who study the Bible deeper and accept what the Bible says without excuses recognize that there is much more. Satan has corrupted almost every aspect of the Sacred Calendar.

The day of God's Sacred Calendar is observed from sunset to sunset. The corrupted calendar observes a day from midnight to midnight.

Genesis 1:5 God called the light, Day. He called the darkness, Night. There was evening and morning, the first day. (FTCABE)

The names of the days of the Sacred Calendar are simply the first day, ..., the day of preparation, and the Sabbath. The corrupted calendar names the days of the week after pagan gods and planets.

The week of seven days and the seventh-day Sabbath are the only part of God's Sacred Calendar that God has not allowed the corrupted calendar to change. Those who use the corrupted calendar use an excuse to half-heartedly observe worship on the first day of the week instead of the seventh day as God has specified.

The month of God's Sacred Calendar is observed from the day after the signal of the new moon to the next new moon. The corrupted calendar observes months according to a completely arbitrary pattern that completely destroys the relationship to the moon.

Genesis 1:14 God said, 'Let there be lights in the expanse of heaven to separate day and night. Let them be signals for holy days, for days, and years. (FTCABE)

The observance of the seven yearly holy days of the Sacred Calendar specified by God has been corrupted to holidays on different days derived from pagan traditions.

Leviticus 23:1-4 (FTCABE)
1 IAUA said to Moses,
2 Speak to the children of Israel, and tell them about the Holy Days of IAUA, which you will proclaim to be holy gatherings. These are My Holy Days.
3 You will work six days but the seventh day is a Sabbath of rest, a holy gathering, you will do no work on that day. It is the Sabbath of IAUA wherever you live.
4 These are the Holy Days of IAUA, holy gatherings, which you will proclaim at their appointed times.

The beginning of the year at Passover in Spring has been corrupted to the beginning of a month in Winter.

Exodus 12:2 'This month will be the beginning of months. It will be the first month of the year for you.

The weekly Sabbath is only the tip of the changes. The seven yearly Sabbaths and the rest of God's Sacred Calendar need to be restored in the heart of those who will follow God all the way.

Malachi 4:5-6 (FTCABE)
5 Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and terrible day of IAUA.
6 He will restore the heart of the fathers in the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers before I come and strike the land with utter destruction.

Do you believe in God's Sacred Calendar?


I will share more next week.

I pray we may all continue to seek love, peace, and unity in truth preparing for the soon coming of IAUShUO (ee-ah-oo-shoo-oh) Messiah, the Son of God.

Frank T. Clark

Next: 2015-07-03 New Forum II

Revised 2015-07-10