2017-10-13 Rejection


IAUA End Time Ministry

Preparing for the End of Time

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Dear Brothers and Sisters in IAUA (ee-ah-oo-ah) our Father,

Greetings on this day of preparation for the weekly Sabbath. I pray this newsletter finds you in good health and happy in the service of IAUA. This is day 22 of month 7 of the Biblical Calendar in the estimated year 6021 Anno Mundi.

The Fall Sabbaths conclude today with Last Day Sabbath, day 22 of month 7 (Friday, October 6 of the 2017, Gregorian Calendar, at sunset Thursday, October 5).

On God's Calendar the Biblical month begins on the global day after lunar conjunction. The Biblical year begins with God's New Year's Day (Passover) after the spring equinox (Spring Passover Rule). The Millerite Calendar (Spring New Moon Rule) is the same this year. The Calculated Rabbinical Calendar is a day early.

A reader expresses his concerns about rejection by Seventh-day Adventists and further thoughts on church.


He wrote:

Dear Frank

Please do not use even my first name when you copy my messages in your news letter. It definitely points to me to some people who know me and I dont know what the circulation of your news letter is. No problem otherwise in using our correspondence.

I have caught some interest in Isaiah 66:23 as an illustration of how SDAs glaze over some details when they read scripture. We are so happy to tell people we will observe the sabbath in the new heavens and new earth, but somehow we skid over the first statement that we will also meet from one new moon to another. Do we only keep the sabbath when we are in the new heavens and new earth, or should we keep it now? Do we only gather and celebrate on new moons when we are in the new heavens and new earth or should we also do it now? I am not being legalistic. I am telling people our heavenly Father is constantly trying to spend more time speaking with us and we keep telling Him we 'dont have time.' The same goes for the feast days. When will we so desire to meet with Him in a special way that we will push away the material world and give Him the time He wants with us, trusting Him to take care of the material things?

By the way, do you have listings worked out for all the new moon days for years in advance. I need this information to share in this context.



I responded:

Dear XXX,

I will remember to X out your name. My newsletter contact list is 33 people but I do post the newsletter as an online blog. My ministry is not popular as you can imagine and I do not promote myself or my ministry. I will go back and X out your name.

I explained the rules for calendar determination in my book. My book is online and I have a reference page. The calendar is determined exclusively by astronomical observation but modern astronomy is very careful about calculating predicted observations. Calculations are only highly accurate for a few decades in advance.


Be at peace,

Frank T. Clark - When the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all truth... He will show you things to come. John 16:13 (FTCABE)


He replied:

Thanks. Thanks also for your work on the calendar. That helps a lot.


I responded:


I never actually intended to become a resource for such information. When I discovered the truth about the yearly Sabbaths, I immediately set out to learn what else my church might have hidden from me. As a trained scientist and researcher I began intense study of all the Bible to learn the details for myself. I quickly discovered there is no consensus or even deep understanding about exactly when the yearly Sabbaths were. I was mortified to realize that without the truth about when they were how could we properly promote them. Imagine if the weekly Sabbath was not a clearly certain day! There is so much conflict about the dates, I was shocked. It took years to reach the sense that I truly had a grasp of God's Calendar. It was difficult to find the truth but actually simple when I found it. So many people are stuck on some traditional understanding that is not even Biblical.

You might be surprised to know that EGW actually gave some helpful corroboration of the truth. One of the hotly disputed details about the yearly Sabbaths, especially among Adventists, is whether to follow the Spring Passover Rule EGW hints at, "The time of the Passover corresponded to the close of March or the beginning of April..." ({DA 75.2} 1898 {PP 537.3} 1890), or the Spring New Moon Rule of the Millerites, "ANCIENTLY THE YEAR DID NOT COMMENCE IN MIDWINTER, AS NOW, BUT AT THE FIRST NEW MOON AFTER THE VERNAL EQUINOX." {GC88 681.4}. The Spring New Moon Rule will not always have Passover near the close of March or the beginning of April.

Seventh-day Adventists can not accept that the October 22, 1844 Day of Atonement, which results in a Passover in May, was wrong so they cling to Appendix of GC88 that EGW did not even write. It was removed in the GC revision of 1911. Then they ignore her actual statements. Wrong traditions are very difficult to overcome.


He wrote:

Dear Frank

I really believe our Heavenly Father is leading you in what He has commissioned you to study and to share with others. I have now marked my diary with all the new moons you have worked out, for this year and next year (it is a 2 year diary). This will be a great help. As mentioned below, keeping new moons may be an entering wedge into understanding more of God's special days for those who are prepared to put any time into studying God's word and are prepared to stand alone with God in His truth instead of conform to those around them.

When the Son of Man shall come, will he find faith on the earth?



I responded:

He will find faith, because we WILL be faithful to Him. No matter what!


I have often faced rejection for my beliefs among traditional SDA. I have even faced rejection among those labelled "feast keepers" because my careful research of truth has required me to see some things differently.

I know how hard it was for me to sift out the truth so I try to be patient with those who disagree with me. I also know that I could have made mistakes no matter how careful and diligent I have been. I am disappointed when people disagree with me but they cannot provide solid evidence for their beliefs. I understand the struggles. I know that our Heavenly Father knows our hearts. His mercy will prevail for those who have followed His guidance.

I have searched for the truth with all my heart, with all my soul, with all my mind, and with all my strength. I believe the Holy Spirit has led me to ALL truth as has been promised.

Do you persevere in truth even when you are faced with rejection?

I pray we may all continue to seek love, peace, and unity in truth preparing for the soon coming of IAUShUO (ee-ah-oo-shoo-oh) Messiah, the Son of God.

Frank T. Clark

Next: 2017-10-20 Praise

Revised 2017-10-20