2019-03-15 Plagues


IAUA End Time Ministry

Preparing for the End of Time

The Lord is Coming!  Are you ready?

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Dear Brothers and Sisters in IAUA (ee-ah-oo-ah) our Father,

Greetings on this day of preparation for the weekly Sabbath. I pray this newsletter finds you in good health and happy in the service of IAUA. This is day 8 of month 1 of the year 1987 Anno Crucis of the Biblical Calendar.

The Spring Sabbaths begin with the Biblical New Year's day on the First Sabbath of Unleavened Bread in 1 week, day 15 of month 1 (Friday, March 22 of the 2019, Gregorian Calendar, at sunset Thursday, March 21).

On God's Calendar the Biblical month begins on the global day after lunar conjunction. The Biblical year begins with God's New Year's Day (Passover) after the spring equinox (Spring Passover Rule). The Millerite Calendar (Spring New Moon Rule) is a month late in the Gregorian 2019 year. The Calculated Rabbinical Calendar will also be a month late.

The Holy Spirit gave me a revelation this week while reviewing the Sabbath School lesson. I have done significant studying and pondering about the seven last plagues over the years. I have also done significant studying and pondering about the timeline of the end time events. I have also done significant studying and pondering about the seven yearly Sabbaths.

I have long realized that the seven yearly Sabbaths have much to teach us about end-time events. This should not be a surprise to you. I describe this in great detail in my book, including a quote from Ellen.

"In like manner the types which relate to the second advent must be fulfilled at the time pointed out in the symbolic service..." {GC 399.4} {GC88 399.3}

As I was reviewing the seven last plagues I was pondering when these would fit into the end-time events. We know that the plagues are only poured out on the sealed wicked. Adventists who accept the seven yearly Sabbaths have often assumed the sealing occurs at Atonement. The Second Coming is at Tabernacles. This leaves only five days for the plagues, which doesn't seem adequate time for the events to unfold as Revelation describes them. Having the events spread over an entire year does not seem correct either.

My previous Bible studies have made it clear to me that the sealing is not a single event in time. The sealing actually begins at Pentecost with the 144k and finishes at Atonement just before Tabernacles and the Second Coming.

Pondering the various puzzle pieces, I was suddenly inspired by the Holy Spirit that the plagues begin with the wicked sealed at Pentecost and spread through the rest of the wicked population as the final decisions are made. This ends in about five months at the Atonement.

This was an earth shaking revelation to me because the pieces suddenly fit together. I was overwhelmed and shaken by what had happened. Many things will become clearer as the end quickly approaches.

Now, this may seem overwhelming and even crazy to you unless you have been following my studies and presentation for a while. I can provide more details about the ideas that lead to joining these puzzle pieces. However, I think I will leave that to your study, searching, and pondering. :-)

I will be glad to hear your thoughts. It is my goal to encourage people to think for themselves, study and research. Do not accept the teachings of other without careful research. That includes what I teach.

I am happy to discuss different understandings. However, anyone who attempts to push their ideas will get a cold shoulder from me. I will not push my understanding on you. We may both get excited but we will try to be understanding. :-)

Does your study of the Word lead you to see the puzzle pieces fitting together?

I pray we may all continue to seek love, peace, and unity in truth preparing for the soon coming of IAUShUO (ee-ah-oo-shoo-oh) Messiah, the Son of God.

Frank T. Clark

Next: 2019-03-22 Teaching and Learning

Revised 2019-03-22