2010-03-19 Developing Understanding


IAUA End Time Ministry

Preparing for the End of Time

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Dear Brothers and Sisters in IAUA (ee-ah-oo-ah) our Father,

Greetings on this day of preparation for the weekly Sabbath. I pray this newsletter finds you in good health and happy in the service of IAUA. This is the 3rd day of the 1st month of God's Sacred Calendar in the estimated year 6014 Anno Mundi.

It is 1 week and 5 days until the Spring Sabbaths begin with the first Sabbath of Unleavened Bread on the evening of the 15th day of the 1st month (Wednesday, March 31 on the 2010 Gregorian Calendar, beginning sunset on Tuesday, March 30).

It is 2 weeks and 4 days until the second Sabbath of Unleavened Bread on the evening of the 21st day of the 1st month (Tuesday, April 6 on the 2010 Gregorian Calendar, beginning sunset on Monday, April 5).

This year, those who follow the Millerite Calendar determination will be one month later than my research has determined for the Gregorian Calendar dates for God's Sacred Calendar. The dates on the Jewish Calendar are one day earlier in the spring and one day early in the fall.


I have been making a huge error using March 17 instead of March 31 as the date of the first Sabbath of Unleavened Bread. I calculated March 17 as the Gregorian date for the first day of the first month this year. I decided against taking note of the day but accidentally left it in the newsletter, which resulted in it being labeled the Sabbath. This has been corrected. Nobody noticed this error to correct me! The error has been corrected in all the online archives. I am willing to openly acknowledge and correct errors I make.

Branching from the topic of "Disagreement" in last week's newsletter leads to the resulting topic of "Understanding". This continues the discussion of the equinox.


Ron received an email from another believer about one of the points on which we disagree and he copied me with his response.

Dear Ron,

Just got an email from John Vandenburgh. He says, Yes, we agree with Ellen White. Our service run from April 29 – May 6. The barley harvest dates have two problems. The second one is that they can not have the Day of Atonement of Oct 22 ever. There are too many day between. Try the math and you will see the problem right away.



Ron's response to the email:

Shalom Richard

Use of abib barley only presents a problem if you assume that October 22 was the correct date for Yom Kippur in 1844, an assumption I do not make. If you would like to read a brief comment on 1844 which may be of interest, go to my website www.truthdepot.net, go to topic "Bob Trefz", and read article "An Open Letter To Jay and Stephanie Hall". I would also highly recommend that you go to the "calendar" topic on my website and avail yourself of the links to a number of excellent ministries dealing with calendar issues. In particular, I would suggest that you go to Karaite Korner's site and read their comments on the vernal equinox in the Q&A section.

To cut to the chase, Ellen White does not have and never did have any authority whatsoever to establish calendar standards. These standards were established by Yahuah Himself and laid down in the Torah for all future generations. Sister White and many others used equinox calculating methods because they were either the best they knew or the only methods available before reliable reports on abib barley were available from the Land. Now that the Final Return has begun and abib barley reports from the Land are readily available, we can and should do better.

I used equinox calculating methods for the first 10-15 years of my appointed time observing for the same reasons you are now giving credence to, but finally came to see that the appointed times are integrally connected with harvest cycles in the Land. Equinox calculating methods can, and frequently do, produce a "first" month one month too late ... and since no barley harvest could take place until the firstfruits had been presented to the Almighty, these methods would have resulted in ripe barley being left in the fields for one full month to feed the birds, animals, and insects, something which would be completely irrational and illogical.



My response to Ron and Richard:

Dear Ron,

Thank you for including me in this discussion. I have been studying God's Sacred Calendar intensively for the last seven years, ever since I discovered there was one. Please allow me to share some information gleaned in my research.

Ron and I disagree on the use of abib versus astronomical signals (Gen 1:14) but I hope we can continue to discuss our disagreement without being disagreeable.

This discussion reminds me there are two different equinox determinations in use. I believe an understanding of this difference is valuable for this discussion. I discuss these issues in detail in my book "God's Sacred Calendar" which is also available free for online reading and PDF download (www.sacredcalendar.info), if there is an interest in greater detail. I am also eager to continue the discussion, if desired.

The signal of the equinox was determined by the Millerites to be the signal for the beginning of the first month. This is not a view Ellen White taught though it is true she never spoke against it. I believe the Holy Spirit led her to be silent on this subject because it was determined long before she came under the deep inspiration of the Holy Spirit. The editors added it as an appendix to the 1884 book "The Spirit of Prophecy Volume Four" and the appendix of the 1888 version of her book the Great Controversy. It was removed in the 1911 version of her book the Great Controversy. I believe it is clear they would never have removed material she wrote or approved. I have not found and do not believe Ellen White made any statement about calendar determination. She made it very clear every prophet {GC 343.2} does not have a full view of the truth.

The alternate view is the signal of the equinox occurs just before the first yearly Sabbath. This is a 14 day difference in timing. This view is supported in an imprecise manner by the witness of Jewish determination which is based on astronomical determination and the precise witness of the Catholic Church. It is surprising the RCC provides this witness but remember the RCC are just as faithful to the date of Easter (which is faithfully derived from Passover) and the weeky cycle as are the Jewish people. Isn't it amazing that God has intervened in the apostate church to preserve the timing of both the weekly Sabbath and the yearly Sabbaths in spite of other grievous errors?

Every year I have checked, the alternate view matches the abib determination. I believe it is correct the harvest cycle matches the equinox determination but it is the cart leading the horse which is the astronomical determination.

I hope this additional information and my own personal witness adds information to this discussion without provoking controversy.

I believe the guidance of witnesses far more ancient and authoritative than the Millerites or Karaites is to be trusted.

Unfortunately, it is true this agrees that the date Oct 22, 1844 did not have the significance intended. I believe just because the Millerites made an error in determining the day on the Gregorian calendar is not an opening to deny all they taught. We already know they made an error in what was to happen on the day and this does not cause us to reject everything they taught. An error in determination of a Gregorian date is also no reason the deny their belief in the seventh month of God's Calendar and its significance. God accepts our limitations and our best attempts to follow His will.

Act 17:30 And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent:

I know my few years of study and experience pale beside the work of others but I must be true to my study and conscience as I seek and submit to the guidance of God's Word and the direction of the Holy Spirit.


Is your search for truth in the spirit of sharing our common ground and discussing our differences, to continue developing understanding, guided by the Holy Spirit?

I pray we may all continue to seek love, peace, and unity in truth preparing for the soon coming of IAUShUO (ee-ah-oo-shoo-oh) Messiah, the Son of God.

Frank T. Clark

Next: 2010-03-26 Genealogical Discrepancy

Revised 2010-03-26