2013-07-12 Dilemma II


IAUA End Time Ministry

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Dear Brothers and Sisters in IAUA (ee-ah-oo-ah) our Father,

Greetings on this day of preparation for the weekly Sabbath. I pray this newsletter finds you in good health and happy in the service of IAUA. This is the 3rd day of the 5th month of God's Sacred Calendar in the estimated year 6017 Anno Mundi.

The fall Holy Day season begins with Trumpets Sabbath in 8 weeks and 1 day on the evening of the 1st day of the 7th month (Sabbath, September 7th on the 2013, Gregorian Calendar, at sunset on Friday, September 6th).

The Sacred month begins on the world day after lunar conjunction and the sacred year begins with the Spring Passover Rule dates my research, and others, has determined for the Gregorian Calendar dates of God's Sacred Calendar. The Millerite Calendar (Spring New Moon Rule) is a month late this year. The Calculated Rabbinical Calendar is two days early in the fall this year.

In the middle of the discussion about the Sabbath dilemma I excerpted last week, some Sunday pastors in the group inserted misleading comments. Lest you be confused about who is who I will mark those who are openly Sunday pastors.

Felix Harim Cortez • I wonder what would the thousands of martyrs who died for an "inconvenient Sabbath" think of this situation.

(Sunday pastor) Pastor Mock • The thousands of martyrs who died for an "inconveninet abbath" would thank God the beleivers in Somoa are still worshipping and prasiing God. The focus here is not "religion says," the focus is they are living in a tough situation politically and still worshipping God in fellowship. The world thinks it is not the way it should be, God rejoices that we worship our faith in fellowship; not worshipping a day of the week. Sometimes Felix it isn't until we are down looking upthat we realiza our priorities and make the most out of the situation we are living in.

Benjamin Roscoe, Rev. • Yes, I am an Adventist. Yes, I give priority in spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ the Bibilical way. Do not worship or keep the Sabbath on man made day. I worship true God accoding to the Scriptures.


Roscoe Benjamin, D.Min.

(Sunday pastor) Pastor Mock • Jesus said serving Him would not be easy for we would be persecuted, challenged, and our faith would be tried. Jesus never said we should only worship on one particular day or we would not be worshipping on the true day. When I was fighting cancer, in a coma and came our critically ill the days of the week were irrelelvant. What mattered was God everyday of the week and I did then as I so now, having daily Sabbath with Him.

Felix Harim Cortez • @Curtis... so did the Catholic church when they changed the Sabbath to Sunday... This conversation is not serious. If you believe that, take it up with God. @Mock, Thank God you are not my pastor.

(Sunday pastor) Pastor Mock • Felix, Psalm 121. If you have never walked in my footsteps who are you to judge me Felix? I am not alive because of worshipping on a certain day of the week, I am alive by the grace of God for there is no medical reason for me to be alive You thank God for what you want AND I thank God for your life Felix. This conversation is serious not judgemental.

(Sunday pastor) jacob francis • Sabbath is made for man . Man is not made for Sabbath. What I understand by the word of God that 7 days are counted in the creation. Any day before the 1st.day is the 7th.day. History tells us that the names of the days are the creation of man for convenience. It may change. If you are taking Friday to be the 7th.day, Thursday will be the 1st.day. As such we can have any day as first day followed by the 7th.day. We should not name and be rigid on any particular day as 7th. day as it is accepted universally for common purpose.

Rev.Jacob Francis.

Frank T. Clark • God has defined a seventh day. It is not up to man. His faithful people have always kept track and followed God's Seventh Day. Those who are willing to be faithful to Him and obey His guidance will follow God's Sabbath no matter what men may say. Only near the IDL is the day of the week not absolutely clear but following those to the east or west is always clear. Near the polar regions the time of the day is not clear but that is a different topic.

(Sunday pastor) Pastor Mock • Is the issue here the day of the week or being in worship, Sabbath, with God? God doesn't care what day of the week it is for God is always glad to be with us. Religion makes a big deal about the day of the week. God doesn't say, "OH, SORRY IT'S NOT SATURDAY CAN'T BE WITH YOU." This is why David wrote, "The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want." Psalm 23:1. The word 'want' here is the same want used in Daniel talking about spiritual fulfillment that only comes from God. David did not say, "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want" because it is not Saturday. Spiritual fulfillment only comes from God not a day of the week. It's like calling 911 for an emergency and being told we cannot help you because it is the wrong day of the week.

" God has defined a seventh day. It is not up to man. His faithful people have always kept track and followed God's Seventh Day. Those who are willing to be faithful to Him and obey His guidance will follow God's Sabbath no matter what men may say." but yet I hear if you do not worship on Saturday then you are not worshipping on the Sabbath which goes against what I quoted Frank saying.

Frank T. Clark • The issue is both Sabbath worship and the day of the week. The Bible, history, the Roman Catholic Church, and all Protestants witness that Saturday is the seventh day. If you believe Sunday is the day of the resurrection on the first day of the week, then you believe Saturday is the seventh.

Mat 28:1 In the end of the sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre.

God is always with us. God does care what day of the week it is and He asks us to set aside the seventh day of the week, Saturday according to current calendars, as a special time to be with Him. God makes a big deal about the day of the week.

(Sunday pastor) Pastor Mock • Frank I believe God also understands circumstances may be out of our control due to where we live, illness, etc. Is the bottom line what day of the week we worship or that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior? I believe my entering into heaven is due to my salvation not what day of the week I am in church.

Frank T. Clark • Pastor Mock, You can believe anything you want. God does understand us and He knows our hearts. He is your judge not me. I am only stating what the Bible says. What you do with it is between you and God.

The bottom line is obedience. The Bible says, our Savior says:

John 14:15 If ye love me, keep my commandments.

If we do not obey Him, we do not love Him. By His own words, it is that simple. If we do not love Him, then what do we mean, if we say we believe in Him?

Do we have salvation if we do not love Him?

I ask again, why do you come into a Sabbath-keeping (Saturday-keeping) discussion group to criticize and misrepresent our practice of what the Bible says? Whenever your words are misleading about the truth we believe from the Bible, I will continue to contradict you.

Those who do not know the truth are guiltless. Those who see the truth and deny it are...

(Sunday pastor) Pastor Mock • Frank to answer your statement, I ask again, why do you come into a Sabbath-keeping (Saturday-keeping) discussion group to criticize and misrepresent our practice of what the Bible says? Whenever your words are misleading about the truth we believe from the Bible, I will continue to contradict you. " I am trying to learn as with the group in Somoa. I respect what you say but do not understand why if one is not where you are you are judgemental. Why you think it is your way or the highway?

Frank T. Clark • Pastor Mock, It is not an act of learning when you misrepresent the truth of what the Bible says. You can pretend to hide behind a cover of learning but the truth is that you are the one who is criticizing and being judgmental. My way means nothing. I have said only what the Bible says. It is God's way according to the Bible or... In order to avoid argument, it looks like I will need to allow you to continue spreading misleading statements.

In conclusion, I have a sinking feeling the integrity of this group as an Adventist group is going downhill by allowing Sunday-keeping pastors to come into a Sabbath-keeping group and spread their misleading comments. If this is allowed to continue, then I will have to accept that this is not an Adventist discussion group and resign. I am not interested in discussing religion with anti-Adventist believers. I am coming to the sad conclusion the General Conference has every reason to turn its back on this group. This group has such great potential as an Adventist discussion group both for open dialogue within the church and as a place where TRUE seekers can come to learn. I appreciate that it is hard to separate true seekers from wolves in sheep's clothing but in some cases it is clear.

Is your understanding of the Bible strong enough to avoid Satan's confusion?

I pray we may all continue to seek love, peace, and unity in truth preparing for the soon coming of IAUShUO (ee-ah-oo-shoo-oh) Messiah, the Son of God.

Frank T. Clark

Next: 2013-07-19 Dilemma III

Revised 2013-07-19