2014-05-30 Ecumenical II


IAUA End Time Ministry

Preparing for the End of Time

The Lord is Coming!  Are you ready?

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Dear Brothers and Sisters in IAUA (ee-ah-oo-ah) our Father,

Greetings on this day of preparation for the weekly Sabbath. I pray this newsletter finds you in good health and happy in the service of IAUA. This is the 1st day of the 3rd month of God's Sacred Calendar in the estimated year 6018 Anno Mundi.

Pentecost is in 5 days on the evening of the 6th day of the 3rd month (Wednesday, June 4th on the 2014, Gregorian Calendar, at sunset on Tuesday, June 3rd).

The Sacred month begins on the world day after lunar conjunction and the sacred year begins with the Spring Passover Rule dates my research and others have identified for determining the Gregorian Calendar dates of God's Sacred Calendar. The Millerite Calendar (Spring New Moon Rule) is the same this year. The Calculated Rabbinical Calendar is the same in the spring this year but one day early in the fall.

Another interesting excerpt from a LinkedIn discussion on the E-ventist Linked group about Spiritual Formation from two years ago which flared back into activity with a heated exchange of words. This continues from the 2012-08-31 newsletter titled "Ecumenical".

Numerous other comments were removed to keep within my target size for a readable newsletter.

Mario Petrovalle (2,000+)

Founder at E-ventist Network ( LINKEDin group )

The Biblical Research Institute (aka BRI) makes available (only $ 2.00) a small booklet titled "The Emerging Church and Adventist Ecclesiology" published in Oct. 2011 Here is the FREE on-line version


Those having concerns about The One Project will find this material very helpful.

One problem with Emerging Church is that it is entirely "relational," almost wholly adoctrinal (if not anti-doctrinal). For us as SDAs, it would be impossible to think of taking a message to the world without significant doctrinal content. It is not that EC doesn't touch doctrine, but that the doctrines they do offer is optional.

Testimony from someone who attended the One Project in February 2014 http://www.adventherald.org/SDA_Member/Topics/OneProject/op.html

For those who want to see for themselves - here is the LINK to the ONE PROJECT page which links to 110 videos. http://vimeo.com/the1project

Those following this discussion will want to read the new book "Meet It" by Elder Rick Howard concerning the One Project and spiritual formation, Alex Bryan and much more.

"spiritual formation" is entrenched in Potestant churches and is now it is invading our church. We need to be the Watchman to warn others about this form of spiritualistism that is so prevalent today. I believe it is dangerous especially to our young people. Pray for our schools and our leaders.

Frank T. Clark

Website Writer/Developer at IAUA End Time Ministry

So we have a clear description of the current condition of the complacent (Laodicean) church. We know we are at the end and these things are going to get worse. We also know there are a remnant who are not fooled because they are studying carefully and following God closely. Smooth talk and empty slogans do not fool those who are awake and prepared.

Pastor Mock

First Baptist Church St. Paris, Ohio

Mario, I believe you are generalizing about Spiritual Formation for the experience I had at the Ashland Theological Seminary in Spiritual Formation with Dr. Terry Wardle was very positive and energizing. In no disrespect Mario, there are other people besides Ellen White who God speaks to and through. I learned a lot from Dr. Wardle that has deepened my faith as God spoke to us through Dr. Wardle and Dr. Wardle's life experiences. You stated Mario "Walter, the credentials of Dr. Wardle mean little to me," That's your opinion Mario and I am a student of life who always wants to learn and I believe God speaks to people through various individuals of God's choosing, religion makes their choice of who they want to and do not want to listen to and or judge. I want to listen, read, learn, other things not only from the "Great Controversy" for how else do I learn and grow as my faith is deepened? In no disrespect I do not understand why Ellen White has the only right statements and or opinions?

Mario Petrovalle (2,000+)

Founder at E-ventist Network ( LINKEDin group )

Walter, I am sorry if you think I am generalizing. Allow me to be specific. It is my opinion that Spiritual Formation is the new form of spiritualism spoken about in 'The Great Controversy" and that Satan will sweep the Christian world into spiritualism - you are a witness of how this is happening. I shared the quote in a previous comment, but there is also the commonly accepted form of Spiritualism which is also involved in last day events. If you want to read about spiritualism open - http://www.diggingfortruth.org/article/1074/

I don't want to be generalizing about this, I want to be very clear. Walter, you may not go to a seance as Saul did in 2 Samuel, but you are treading on Satan's ground (spiritual formation) and your soul is in peril. Drop Spiritual Formation and stay away like it is a plague.

Frank T. Clark

Website Writer/Developer at IAUA End Time Ministry

I have followed this discussion with increasing concern about the disagreement. In my typical way I look beneath the surface to investigate what are the issues underlying the disagreement. I see two specific problems.

The first problem is seeing that Pastor Mock repeatedly refers to his positive "experience" with Spiritual Formation. This is contrasted with what I see as Mario's focus on "principle". Experience is a focus on feelings and emotions. Our emotions are easily led astray when they are not guided by principle. I am told that alcohol and drugs is an incredible experience. People who indulge in these things are ignoring the consequences.

Everything I have read from the people involved in Spiritual Formation emphasizes a spiritual experience (emotion) and minimizes or ignores the spiritual principles of obedience as God guides us. This leads to a loss of salvation and eternal life resulting in eternal death with no hope of resurrection.

I am reminded of my favorite song. Trust and Obey for there is no other way to be happy in Jesus but to Trust and Obey.

The second major problem is that this is a discussion group for those who are members of the Seventh-day Adventist denomination or are sympathetic to its beliefs. Mario's words speak to the SDA but Pastor Mock is not SDA and does not appear to be sympathetic to SDA belief.

In particular, the SDA find valuable inspiration and guidance from the writings of Ellen White. After our primary reference to the Bible, most of us find a greater value in the writings of Ellen White than most other people. In particular, we find much less value in the writings of those who are clearly not following the Bible according to SDA understanding.

Isaiah 8:20 To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.

Why would I listen to the teachings of someone who has "no light in them". I am not looking for a "positive experience" on this earth. I am looking for eternal life. However, I have found following all of God's Word to be a very positive experience and there is the promise of a "positive experience" for eternity.

Are your life choices based on principle or emotion?

I pray we may all continue to seek love, peace, and unity in truth preparing for the soon coming of IAUShUO (ee-ah-oo-shoo-oh) Messiah, the Son of God.

Frank T. Clark

Next: 2014-06-06 Ecumenical III

Revised 2014-06-06