2015-08-07 Covetousness


IAUA End Time Ministry

Preparing for the End of Time

The Lord is Coming!  Are you ready?

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Dear Brothers and Sisters in IAUA (ee-ah-oo-ah) our Father,

Greetings on this day of preparation for the weekly Sabbath. I pray this newsletter finds you in good health and happy in the service of IAUA. This is the 22nd day of the 5th month of God's Sacred Calendar in the estimated year 6019 Anno Mundi.

The Fall Sabbaths begin in 5 weeks and 3 days with Trumpets Sabbath on the 1st day of the 7th month (Tuesday, September 15th of the 2015, Gregorian Calendar, at sunset Monday, September 14th).

On God's Calendar the Sacred month begins on the world day after lunar conjunction and the sacred year begins with God's New Year's Day (Passover) after the spring equinox (Spring Passover Rule). The Millerite Calendar (Spring New Moon Rule) is the same this year. The Calculated Rabbinical Calendar is one day early.

I have been having an interesting conversation with a new visitor to one of my websites. I edited the conversation for brevity and content removing personal content to mask their identity.

They wrote:

I was just looking on line for my old Fourth Angel's Message Ministry website in order to revive my old ministry which God called me to give in xxxx but then by God's grace happened to come across your 4th Angel's Message! Praise the Lord, that someone is interested in this message!

I am very reluctant to share with you what the church has done to me as I attempted to share with them what God has done for me and shown to me. I have been rejected so many times by even those who claim to teach the 4th Angel's Message that I can not help but tear up while writing this to you.

Nevertheless, I will try to reach out once again in almost hopelessness...

I understand from briefly looking through your website that you are a 5th generation SDA. I am a 2nd generation SDA. I would be interested in e-mailing you regarding what you know about the 4th Angel as well as sharing what I know and had experienced, if that interests you.


I wrote:

It is a pleasure to hear from you. I can well understand the frustrations and struggles to make any attempt to move beyond the lowest common denominator of traditional denominational teachings. Satan creates so many deceptions to harass God's people who seek the truth. This leads some to go far astray in their ideas, which leads others to reject them and react by retreating to the safety of minimum traditional common beliefs. The fourth angel is a common focal point because it is a clear Biblical teaching of a message that like much of Revelation is presented in non-specific symbolisms. Many attach fanciful ideas to this message under the deception of Satan. I have struggled to stay close to Biblical teaching to understand the message without being limited to denominational tradition. I look forward to continuing the conversation.


They wrote:

My [spouse] has currently left the church because of the rejection [we] received from the church in 2007 after [their] baptism. I had never left the church but have been disfellowshipped without a hearing, trying to bring truths to God's people about the 4th Angel. The Conference president in 2009 also called the police on me twice for trying to pass out information at Camp Meeting. I have been fully discredited and character assassinated for my Bible and SOP quotes. The truths I have to share will undoubtedly result in the Loud Cry and Shaking time prophesied about. Some other people who claim to have parts of the 4th Angel's Message have looked down upon me as well, stating they are the only ones with the 4th Angel's Message. I told such people that we all may have been given a piece of the puzzle, the only difference is that I have been given the last piece.


I wrote:

I am glad to hear from you.

It is sad when people claim exclusivity for anything. I am eager to hear what you have to share from the Bible and SOP. I am also eager to hear what you understand is the last piece of the puzzle.

You had asked where I live. I currently live in Thompsonville, Illinois and work for Three Angels Broadcasting Network. I know a great deal about being rejected from attempting to share the results of my Bible Studies. I share a great deal about my background and studies on my websites. My professional/personal website is http://www.frank-t-clark.com and my first ministry website is http://www.iaua.name, which became focused around the first book God lead me to publish. I wrote other books and created websites focused around them. I have now written six books though I have ceased revisions and support of my second book. I am currently working on a seventh book but it is a monster project.

I look forward to continuing the conversation.


They wrote:

Thank-you for your kind e-mail! It is so refreshing when someone is willing to extend Christian kindness in a Christ-like manner!

Now its my turn to be somewhat confused... You say you're working for 3ABN? I know its been a while since I have had access to my 3ABN dish but I presume you are able to speak to your material on the network and lecture on it? You also say you published 6 books and are working on your largest project, the 7th book? I did briefly look at your book on line but won't have much time to read it until Sabbath. I agree with everything I have read from you so far.

I too am currently working on a 7 part video series on my message. Around 2008 when I informed someone at 3ABN about my work, I was treated like the plague! Currently, 3 months ago I received an e-mail confirmation from someone at 3ABN that they were willing to look at some of my material so I sent them a draft of Part 1 & 2 but have heard nothing back!

I am so happy to share what the Lord Jesus has taught me from His word and the SOP because my message is so beautiful but nonetheless a strong hard message cutting deep into one's soul. When I was xxyrs old and called to my Laodicean repentance I was naive enough to think that just because I see beauty in this call to repentance, everyone else will too. Well, I had a few lessons to learn since then. Matter of fact Ellen White says the opposite about how the 4th Angel will be received. What has your experience been? So what is it that you do at 3ABN if I might ask?


I wrote:

I am just a grunt at 3ABN (IT Technical Staff) not a show pony. My ministry work is completely independent and on my own time and is totally rejected by 3ABN. I am rarely able to find anyone other than my wife to discuss 21st Century Present Truth. I am rarely able to present the results of my studies. The Internet is essentially my only audience. It is very frustrating. At 3ABN I am treated like a kook but because God has led me to avoid belligerence and confrontation, I am tolerated.


They wrote:

I am so sorry to hear that the brethren are still not ready to hear the light from the 4th Angel! But then this has all been prophesied hasn't it?

"In the manifestation of that power which lightens the earth with the glory of God, they will see only something which, in their blindness, they think dangerous. Something that will arouse their fears, and they will brace themselves to resist it. Because the LORD does not work according to their expectations and ideals, they will oppose the word. ‘Why’ they say ‘should we not know the Spirit of God, when we have been in the work so many years.’ Because they did not respond to the warnings, the entreaties, of the message of God, but persistently said ‘I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing.’ [White, Maranatha, p.219]

I'm glad to hear your wife does support you though, may the Lord richly bless her for that! My [spouse] who was born into an Adventist home rejected me and my calling in xxxx and told the local pastor [they] thought I was a fanatic. That false information was then placed on my record which every pastor then thereafter treated me as such even though after 27 years of trying to get my message out, not 1 person has ever pointed out where my message errs!

Of course you know that behind the scenes is just as important as in front, which the Lord smiles upon. Perhaps one day, if time should last, and the Lord is willing, we can by His grace start a 4ABN where you will be called upon to be in the front of a camera! Let us wait patiently for the Lord to lead.

I have been continually impressed to go full time into the ministry the Lord has called me into, setting aside my other occupations. This is new to me as I have never been funded by my ministry before and starting on a shoes string. Nevertheless, I must exercise my faith and go forward. I have also been impressed for some reason to go to Camp Meeting this Sabbath for I'm not sure what reason the Lord wants me to go but I asked the Lord to resolve a few things so I could go and He has so I guess I should go.

Can I ask what the topic is for your 7th book? Are all previous 6 books of yours on your website? I will try to submit what I submitted to 3ABN to you and your wife next week for your review but I am needing to meet deadlines this week. I have much to say about my message but I will leave you with this thought... if Ellen White declares a certain sin to be most prevalent amongst God's people today then wouldn't it follow that if we repent of that certain sin then we would see the greatest revival and reformation amongst God's people?


I wrote:

I often review that quote and many other fantastic things Ellen has to say.

I am not particularly interested in being in front of a camera. Whatever God directs is my desire. I never intended to write books! I look for His leading. I will have the opportunity to present a series of Bible studies on aspects of 21st Century Present Truth (Fourth Angel's Message) in front of a small group in Chicago at a Tabernacles home camp meeting this fall.

Someone once donated some money to my ministry but I told them to cease. I have seen so many ministries get twisted by becoming dependent and concerned about donations. God is not leading me that way. My ministry is completely personal and independent. I even refused any compensation for travel and time for my presentation in Chicago. I also spoke there three years ago.

Everything I write is on the Internet including the first pass of the 7th book. I also have a sometimes weekly blog on the Internet. There are links on every website leading to the other websites.

There is a certain logic to your question. There is certainly a relationship between repenting of sin leading to revival and reformation. I don't know if the relationship between "most prevalent" and "greatest" is quite as certain.


They wrote:

I am very interested in reviewing your material on line but if I'll be at Camp Meeting this Sabbath it won't be until next week. May the Lord bless you as you present your Bible studies this fall. Ellen White says (I'm paraphrasing somewhat)... "the greatest sin that now exists amongst God's people is covetousness" ...If you hear Revelation 3 language in this statement then we have just found the key to the Loud Cry/Latter Rain or the last piece of the puzzle!


I wrote:

There is of course no pressure to review my material and you must certainly focus on the activity at hand. I hope you have a good spiritual experience at camp meeting.

Covetousness... That is a big category that covers a lot of problems and sins. I will ponder on that extensively. I begin my pondering with whether humility is a near opposite of covetousness. Recognition, thankfulness, and appreciation for what God has already given us seems like a powerful antidote to covetousness. One of the big problems I have observed is people coveting the recognition, acceptance, and approval of others. Still pondering...


I later wrote:

It occurred to me I should look the quote up for you:

2SG - Spiritual Gifts. Volume 2 (1860)

Chapter XXXII. - Systematic Benevolence.

"The greatest sin which now exists in the church is covetousness. God frowns upon his professed people for their selfishness. His servants have sacrificed their time and their strength to carry them the word of life, and many have prized it just as highly, and no more, as their works have shown. If they can help the servant of God just as well as not, they sometimes do it; but he is often left to pass on, and but little done for him. But if they employ a day laborer, he must be paid full wages. But the self-sacrificing servant of God labors for them in word and doctrine; he carries the heavy burden of the work on his soul; he patiently shows from the word of God the dangerous errors which are hurtful to the soul; he enforces the necessity of immediately tearing up the weeds which choke the good seed sown; he brings out of the storehouse of God's word things new and old to feed the flock of God. All acknowledge that they have been benefited; but the poisonous weed, covetousness, is so deeply rooted they let the servant of God leave them without administering of their temporal things. They have prized his wearing labor just as highly as they act. Says the True Witness, "I know thy works." {2SG 236.1}

I believe in the general importance of the principle stated though the specific context of this quote is supporting God's workers for their efforts. Also found:

1T - Testimonies For The Church Volume One (1855-1868)

Number Five Testimony for the Church

Chapter 33 - The Laodicean Church {1T 194.2}

An interesting companion quote emphasizing that it is also a "great sin" to complain about those who demonstrate covetousness:

Chap. 110 - The Health Institute

"These poor afflicted persons should be taught that when they murmur at their lot and against the wealthy on account of their covetousness, they commit a great sin in the sight of heaven. They should first understand that their sickness and poverty are misfortunes most generally caused by their own sins, follies, and wrongs; and if the Lord puts it into the hearts and minds of His people to help them, it should inspire in them feelings of humble gratitude to God and His people. They should do all in their power to help themselves. If they have relatives who can and will defray their expenses at the Institute, these should have the privilege." {1T 642.1}

Another similar quote about problems related to covetousness.

Characteristics of God's People.

"Many of the professed people of God are so conformed to the world that their peculiar character is not discerned, and it is difficult to distinguish "between him that serveth God and him that serveth him not." God would do great things for his people if they would come out from the world and be separate. He would make them a praise in all the earth, if they would submit to be led by him. Says the True Witness, "I know thy works." Angels of God, who minister unto those who shall be heirs of salvation, are acquainted with the condition of all, and understand just the measure of faith possessed by each individual. The unbelief, pride, covetousness, and love of the world which have existed in the hearts of God's professed people, have grieved the sinless angels. The grievous and presumptuous sins which exist in the hearts of many, have caused angels to weep, as they have seen that God has been dishonored because of the inconsistent, crooked course of professed followers of Christ. And yet those the most at fault, those who cause the greatest feebleness in the church, and bring upon their holy profession a stain, do not seem to be alarmed, or convicted, but seem to feel that they are flourishing in the Lord." {RH, August 10, 1886 par. 1} {2T 125.1}

Notice the words "come out from the world and be separate":

Revelation 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

Another emphasis of the magnitude of the sins of pride, selfishness, and covetousness:

"God does not regard all sins as of equal magnitude; there are degrees of guilt in His estimation as well as in that of finite man. But however trifling this or that wrong in their course may seem in the eyes of men, no sin is small in the sight of God. The sins which man is disposed to look upon as small may be the very ones which God accounts as great crimes. The drunkard is despised and is told that his sin will exclude him from heaven, while pride, selfishness, and covetousness go unrebuked. But these are sins that are especially offensive to God. He "resisteth the proud," and Paul tells us that covetousness is idolatry. Those who are familiar with the denunciations against idolatry in the word of God will at once see how grave an offense this sin is." {5T 337.2}

I could go on and on as I do in my books and my sometimes weekly blog. Maybe this will become a blog entry next week.


Are you aware of the many aspects of covetousness?

I pray we may all continue to seek love, peace, and unity in truth preparing for the soon coming of IAUShUO (ee-ah-oo-shoo-oh) Messiah, the Son of God.

Frank T. Clark

Next: 2015-08-14 Salvational?

Revised 2015-08-14